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Saturday, April 12, 2025

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Fun Run

Fun Run Rabbit High Priority

April 12, 2025


This person will lead the Half Mile Fun Run on a bicycle.

Fun Run Course Control High Priority

April 12, 2025


These positions will have directional signs and offer encouragement to the runners along the route of the Half Mile Fun Run, and assist at the finish line with tie breakers and awards.

Fun Run Sweep High Priority

April 12, 2025


This person will follow along with the last runner and make sure there are no problems. The Sweep should have a phone to call 911 in case of an emergency.

Water Stops

5K Walk Water Stop Set Up/ Pick Up High Priority

April 12, 2025


Pick up table and other water stop supplies at the Community Market and take them to the water stop to set up. Help set up the table. Pick up the table, bagged trash, left over water, other supplies and signs after the race and return to the Community Market. A pick up truck is helpful since you will be carrying a table.


Community Market and Riverwalk Trail

5K WALK Water Stop High Priority

April 12, 2025


This Water Stop is for the 5K WALK. Fill water cups 3/4 full and pass out to the racers. Racers will drink and throw out the cups. Close water stop and clean up all trash along the trail near the Water Stop after the Sweep comes through and lets you know the last walker has passed the water stop. Offer encouragement to the racers.


On the Riverwalk Trail

5K Run Water Stop Set Up/Pickup High Priority

April 12, 2025


This person will need to pick up the table, water, and other supplies at the Community Market and take them to the 5K Run Water Stop Location on the Riverwalk Trail. A pick up truck is helpful as you will be hauling a table. Help to set up the table. Pick up the table, bagged trash , any left over water, other supplies and signs, and return them to the Community Market after the race.


Community Market and RIverwalk Trail

5K RUN Water Stop High Priority

April 12, 2025


This Water Stop is for the 5K RUN. Fill water cups 3/4 full and pass out to the racers. Racers will drink and throw out the cups. Close water stop and pick up trash on the trail after the Sweep comes through behind the last racer. Offer encouragement to the racers. Both 5K and 10K Runners will pass this water stop.


On the Riverwalk Trail

10K Run Water Stop Set Up/Pick Up

April 12, 2025


Pick up table, water and other supplies at the Community Market and take them to the 10K Water Stop. Help to set up the table. Return after the race to pick up the table, bagged trash, left over water, signs and other supplies, and return them to the Community Market. A pickup truck is helpful as you will be hauling a table.


Community Market and Riverwalk Trail

10K RUN Water Stop High Priority

April 12, 2025


This Water Stop is for the 10K RUN. Fill water cups 3/4 full and pass out to the racers. Racers will drink and throw out the cups. Close water stop and pick up trash after the Sweep comes through behind the last racer.


On the Riverwalk Trail

Half Marathon Water Stop #1 Set Up/Pick Up High Priority

April 12, 2025


Pick up table and other water stop supplies at the Community Market and take them to the water stop to set up. Help set up the table. Pick up the table, bagged trash, left over water, other supplies and signs after the race and return to the Community Market. A pick up truck is helpful since you will be carrying a table.

Half Marathon Water Stop #1 High Priority

April 12, 2025


This Water Stop is for the Half Marathon RUN. Fill water cups 3/4 full and pass out to the racers. Racers will drink and throw out the cups. Close water stop and pick up trash after the Sweep comes through behind the last racer.


TBD - along the Half Marathon course

Course Control

Bridge Street to Riverwalk Trail Course Control High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 12, 2025


These positions will line the road along Bridge Street to keep traffic off the race course and then direct the racers across the bridge and onto the Riverwalk Trail. High Visibility Vests will be provided as these positions will be on the public road. AS THE RACERS RETURN, THEY WILL NEED TO MAKE SURE WALKERS KEEP TO THE SIDE AND ALLOW RUNNERS TO GET AROUND THEM.


Bridge Street and MLK Bridge

5k/10k Run Course Control High Priority

April 12, 2025


These volunteers will have directional signs and will also call out to runners if needed to assist them in making the correct turns to stay on course.
These positions are spread out along the Riverwalk Trail and may not have easily accessible parking. Volunteers should be prepared to walk, or ride a bike, to their assigned post. Early arrival is crucial to allow time to get into position after checking in at the Community Market.


Along the Riverwalk Trail from just below the MLK Bridge all the way to the 10K turn around.

5K Walk Course Control High Priority

April 12, 2025


These volunteers will be stationed along the route of the 5K Walk with directional signs to assist the walkers and make sure they make the correct turns to stay on course.
Not all positions will be easily available to parking, so volunteers need to be able to walk, or bike ride, to their assigned posts. It is crucial to arrive early for check-in to allow time to get into position.


Along the Riverwalk Trail from the trail entrance below the YMCA to the turn around.

Half Marathon Course Contol High Priority

April 12, 2025


Provide encouragement and make sure runners are making the correct turns to stay on the race course for the Half Marathon


A long the route for the Half Marathon

Race Leaders and Sweepers

10K Run Lead Bike High Priority

April 12, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Lead bikers will act as the "pace bike" for the race and will lead the way to show the fastest racers where to go.

10K Run Sweep Bike High Priority

April 12, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Following bikers will act as a "sweep" to follow the last racer and make sure there are no problems. This person should have a phone with them to call 911 in case of an emergency.
Sweepers will also inform the Water Stop when the last racer has passed the Water Stop so they can begin the process of breaking down and cleaning up the Water Stop site. The 10K Sweep needs to let both the 10K and 5K Water Stops know when the last 10K racer has passed.

5K Run Lead Bike High Priority

April 12, 2025


Lead bikers will act as the "pace bike" for the race and will lead the way to show the fastest racers where to go.

5K Run Sweep Bike High Priority

April 12, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Following bikers will act as a "sweep" to follow the last racer and make sure there are no problems. This person should have a phone with them to call 911 in case of an emergency. The 5K Run Sweep needs to let the Water Stop volunteers know when the last 5K racer has passed.

5K Walk Lead Bike High Priority

April 12, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Lead bikers will act as the "pace bike" for the race and will lead the way to show the fastest racers where to go.

5K Walk Sweep High Priority

April 12, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Will act as a "sweep" to follow the last racer and make sure there are no problems. This person should have a phone with them to call 911 in case of an emergency. 5K Walk Sweep can either walk or ride a bike. Sweepers will also inform the Water Stop when the last racer has passed so they can begin the process of breaking down and cleaning up the Water Stop.

Half Marathon Lead Bike High Priority

April 12, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


This person will lead the Half Marathon and show the way to go for the fastest racers. The course is paved, but it is a challenging route with hills. The lead biker needs to be an experience rider.


Community Market, Half Marathon Course.

Half Marathon Sweep Bike High Priority

April 12, 2025


This person will follow behind the last Half Marathon Runner. They will need to carry a cell phone in case there is a need to call 911. The Half Marathon Sweep will inform the Water Stops that the last racer has passed and that they can close up the Water Stop. There is a time limit to the Half Marathon, the Sweep will not be required to follow the last racer if the time limit has elapsed. The course is paved but challenging with hills. The Sweep should be an experienced biker.


Community Market, Half Marathon Course.

Friday Prep Work/Packet Pick Up

Friday Community Market Set-Up Medium Priority

April 11, 2025


Setting up tables and chairs, hanging banners, moving cases of water, t-shirt folding and other physical activities on Friday in preparation for the Race Bib Pick Up Friday evening, and the race on Saturday.
There may be considerable down time between tasks as we wait for supplies to come in between 11:00 and 4:00.


Community Market

Friday Evening Race Bib Pick Up High Priority

April 11, 2025


Hand out race packets on Friday evening to those who have pre-registered for the race.


Community Market

Saturday Check-in/Clean UP

Clean Up High Priority

April 12, 2025


We will need help to gather up the trash, collect used wet towels, pack up supplies, take down banners, break down tables and fold chairs, etc. You need to be able to do physical activity like carrying cases of water or folding and stacking chairs.


Community Market

Greeter High Priority

April 12, 2025


Welcome people to the race and direct them to where they need to go inside the Community Market for packet pick up, registration, or volunteer check-in. Need to be outgoing and welcoming.


Community Market

Key Drop High Priority

April 12, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Act as a "Key Valet" for people who need a safe place to put their keys.


Community Market

Saturday Packet Pick Up High Priority

April 12, 2025


Give out race packets to those who have pre-registered for the race.


Community Market


April 12, 2025


Set up and maintain post-race refreshments. Inside the Community Market.


Community Market

Finish Line

Finish Line High Priority

April 12, 2025


Line up runners in the finish chute to avoid ties.


Start/Finish Line behind the Community Market

Finish Line Cooling Towels High Priority

April 12, 2025


Hand out cooling towels to racers at the finish line and assist in collection of the towels after the race.


Start/Finish Line behind the Community Market

Finish Line Water High Priority

April 12, 2025


Hand out bottled water at the finish line.


Finish Line

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