Nightly camping in schoolyards is included with registration, there is no additional fee. Though, you must provide your own camping gear. We recommend tents that are easy to set up and tear down and a lightweight mallet/tent stake puller that will fit in one of your duffel bags (each rider is permitted two duffel bags or other easily packed and smushable pieces of luggage for the luggage trucks, each piece must be 40lbs or under, use one for clothing, one for camping).
If you are looking to pick up a tent for The Michigander Bicycle Tour, we recommend a pop-up tent also known as an instant tent or self-erecting tent. They are a style of tent that when unpacked, open automatically and can be set up in just a few minutes and they don't need additional poles, pegs and so on to be installed. Usually it takes two to five seconds to unfold and a couple of minutes to position and secure it correctly.They fold back on themselves, making tearing down and repacking easy. Flexibility, lightness and their strength make them attractive for all types of campers, from seasoned pros to novices. They make a great summer tent and this makes them attractive to riders on tour.
For those that prefer to have someone else set up their camp, Michigan Cycling Charters is our official tour provider, they offer rental tents, as well as set up and tear down service for a reasonable fee. In addition to their tenting services, they also offer towel, chair and memory foam sleeping pads for a fee. Book early.
Download: Michigan Cycling Charters Reservation Form
Kelty Mach AirPitch Tent
Coleman Instant Dome 3 Tent
Ozark Trail Pop Up Tent