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There are two 5K events:

5K RUN, which is Timed (Timing Chip on Bib), and 5K FUN RUN/WALK, which is not timed (No Timing Chip on Bib). The course is the same for both events but have different start times:




5K COURSE - 5K Run/Walk (Timed) and 5K Fun Run/Walk (Non-Timed)

5K Route


The 5K is an out and back course that takes participants past the main entrance to Dodger Stadium. The course begins on North Broadway for approximately ⅓ mile, then turns left onto Bishops Road. A right turn at Stadium Way takes you over the 110 freeway, toward Dodger Stadium for an uphill climb.

This distance includes a right at Lookout Dr., then onto Lilac Terrace which leads again onto Stadium Way. A U-turn at Vin Scully Ave brings runners past the LAFD Frank Hotchkin training center where a piece of the World Trade Center is displayed as a memorial - a 23-ton, 22-foot-tall steel column that was originally part of the lobby structure.

Runners then continue on the course under the 110 freeway, back to Broadway where the finish line awaits those who conquered this beautiful and challenging course.

Two water stations are provided along this 5K course.


5K FUN RUN/WALK (Non-Timed)

The 5K Fun Run/Walk will start 20 minutes after the 5K Run. Please do not start with 5K Runners

Enjoy your walk, but please walk on the right side of the path after the 10K Run starts.


NOTE:  For your safety and the safety of others, skateboards, roller blades, skates, unauthorized bicycles, or any other wheeled device are not permitted except for wheelchairs, baby joggers, and baby strollers.

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