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Team Fundraiser

Uphill Into The Wind
Putting Bodies On Bikes!

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Raised of $2,500


Our Story

Uphill Into The Wind is the charity that helps other charities. We do this by loaning bicycles to individuals who want to ride in a charity cycling event and fundraise for a charity, but do not have a bicycle of their own. Qualified applicants are eligible to borrow a bicycle for FREE for up to 14 weeks to train on and complete the event. They then return the bicycle to be readied for the next event and another participant.

Founded in 2009 in memory and honor of Bob Griffiths, Uphill Into The Wind has loaned bicycles to 439 participants who have raised nearly $600K for 32 different charities. Many of those individuals have gone on to purchase bicycles of their own and continue to ride in charity cycling events, raising even MORE funds for charities! And in the process, they are improving their overall health and fitness!

In 2019 Uphill partnered with the Rob Dollar Foundation to get legislation passed to have a Share the Road specialty license plate for the State of Arizona. Funds generated from the sale and renewal of the plate will help both organizations to promote safety and awareness for cyclists, runners and walkers. Our goal is to see a Share the Road license plate on every cyclist's vehicle, and to be able to spread the word that safety is everyone's right and responsibility. For more information: 

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