Age for Race Class
How do I know which race class to select?
Racing Age vs. Chronological Age
Chronologically, your son or daughter may be 14 years old right now, but their "racing age" could be 15
How does MORC make this work?
MORC defines a rider's age as the age they will be on December 31st of the current calendar year. So if your child turns 15 at any point during this year, their racing age for the entire calendar year is 15
In this example you'll see the following race classes exists to choose from:
Beginner Men 15-18
Beginner Women 15-18
Sport Men 15-18
Sport Women 15-18
For adult Men & Women, the same principle is applied:
For example you're a 29 year old male, Sport level racer who'll turn 30 in the upcoming racing year
Sport Men 30-39 is the race class you will register in