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CBC 5K 2023

Sat September 9, 2023 Directions



8:00AM CDT - 10:00AM CDT
Open to ages 10+.
Weighted Walk or Run

Ruck 5K

8:00AM CDT - 10:00AM CDT
Open to ages 10+.

1 Mile (Not Timed)

8:00AM CDT - 10:00AM CDT
Open to ages 10+.

Sleep in for the Cause

8:00AM CDT - 10:00AM CDT
Roll with the Wind - RIDER

Ainsley's Angels Riders

8:00AM CDT - 10:00AM CDT
Roll with the Wind - RUNNER

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


About the CBC 5K Event:

Community Bible Church (CBC) is planning our 15th Annual CBC 5K event.

The history of this event has proven to be one of the highlights of our SportsLife Ministry at CBC. The race has grown into one of the most significant 5K events in San Antonio, with over 1500 participants. This year’s event will be held on September 9, 2023, and our focus is to raise contributions and awareness towards child sex trafficking and children with chronic illnesses. To do this, we have partnered with two organizations that are on the frontline in our great city of San Antonio.   

Thank you for considering participating in the 15th Annual CBC SportsLife 5K event. This year’s race will benefit Randsomed Life and the Ferrari Kid organizations.

To learn more about these outstanding organizations, please visit and

Psalms 32:7 declares that God is a hiding place, a shelter for those in times of need, in times of trouble.  

Ransomed Life and the Ferrari Kids provide a safe and well-needed space for children walking through moments of uncertainty, where they believe all the world has forgotten about them.  

You are a part of this year’s efforts to do the work of the Lord that provides shelter for those who need cover, for those who need a window where they can see God’s light shining through.

In addition to partnering with Ainsley’s Angels, this year’s race will feature on-campus 5k, Ruck 5k, and 1-mile course options.

Whether you walk, jog, sprint, or roll, we are excited that you will be joining us in blessing the children of San Antonio.  We thank you again for your participation!

We do our best to ensure that all registered runners receive a race shirt.  Extra race shirts are ordered in anticipation of late registrations.  However, because of the uncertainty of correct sizes, runners registering after August 14 are not guaranteed a shirt and/or a correct-sized shirt. 

Children 9 and under can participate but do not need to register. There is no fee for this age group; however, a bib or shirt will not be issued.


Our event will take place on Saturday, September 9, 2023. The race begins at 8 am. Medals are awarded for the top 3 males/female in each 10-year incremental category for the 5k Division. Medals will also be awarded to the top three male/female 5K Ruck Division.   


This year’s race will take place at Community Bible Church: 2477 North Loop 1604 East, San Antonio, Texas  78232


CBC would like to introduce you to our two beneficiaries, Ransomed Life, and the Ferrari Kid organization. Ransomed Life was launched from a tragic story of a 14-year-old San Antonian in 2014 when trafficking resources did not exist. Today, Ransomed Life's mission is to educate the San Antonio communities, equip the at-risk, and restore those exploited. Their vision is to see our communities free from child exploitation, which they combat daily using Prevention Education and trauma-informed Counseling with a team of 7 staff and 47 volunteers. With that, this organization has aided and cared for over 7,800 children and their families through counseling and has presented Prevention Education to more than 56,000 people through schools, youth organizations, and businesses. Licensed Professional Counseling is offered to children of trauma, free of charge. 

Our second organization lays out the 'red carpet' treatment for kids battling cancer and chronic illness. The Ferrari Kid understands the hardship placed on a kid and their family when fighting a chronic illness, from needles to chemotherapy to the high volumes of surgeries. Led by Manuel Diotte, who has battled cancer since he was seven years old, beating the odds at the cost of 48 surgeries, the Ferrari Kid makes a kid a celebrity for a day. Their mission chant is 'No' needles, chemotherapy, or surgery on this day. The excitement begins when they are picked up in a Ferrari and driven to a celebrity destination of their choice, from a day Spa to a Spurs event. They receive a first-class experience with red carpet, ropes, paparazzi, and autograph-seeking fans, allowing them to have fun and be kids. Today they have served over 2,500 Ferrari Kids. The Ferrari Kids call their event, "The best day ever." 

These non-profit organizations meet a child at one of their lowest moments and walk alongside them when most needed. Your overwhelming generosity goes toward blessing these two worthy organizations within our community as they support these fantastic young San Antonians.

For more information about these organizations, please visit:




Come and enjoy the race!

Click here to view the 2023 Video Recap








If you registered with a shirt option, Packet Pick Up is on the following days:

Packet Pick Up Day #1 September 5  4-8pm @ CBC

Packet Pick Up Day #2 September 6  4-8pm @ CBC

Look for us at the entrance of the building nearest the Choir Building (in Parking Lot A).





Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.







Community Bible Church

About Ainsley's Angels

Click here to learn about Ainsley's Angels.



Community Bible Church


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