Introducing our Beneficiaries
CBC would like to introduce you to our two beneficiaries, Ransomed Life, and the Ferrari Kid organization. Ransomed Life was launched from a tragic story of a 14-year-old San Antonian in 2014 when trafficking resources did not exist. Today, Ransomed Life's mission is to educate the San Antonio communities, equip the at-risk, and restore those exploited. Their vision is to see our communities free from child exploitation, which they combat daily using Prevention Education and trauma-informed Counseling with a team of 7 staff and 47 volunteers. With that, this organization has aided and cared for over 7,800 children and their families through counseling and has presented Prevention Education to more than 56,000 people through schools, youth organizations, and businesses. Licensed Professional Counseling is offered to children of trauma, free of charge.
Our second organization lays out the 'red carpet' treatment for kids battling cancer and chronic illness. The Ferrari Kid understands the hardship placed on a kid and their family when fighting a chronic illness, from needles to chemotherapy to the high volumes of surgeries. Led by Manuel Diotte, who has battled cancer since he was seven years old, beating the odds at the cost of 48 surgeries, the Ferrari Kid makes a kid a celebrity for a day. Their mission chant is 'No' needles, chemotherapy, or surgery on this day. The excitement begins when they are picked up in a Ferrari and driven to a celebrity destination of their choice, from a day Spa to a Spurs event. They receive a first-class experience with red carpet, ropes, paparazzi, and autograph-seeking fans, allowing them to have fun and be kids. Today they have served over 2,500 Ferrari Kids. The Ferrari Kids call their event, "The best day ever."
These non-profit organizations meet a child at one of their lowest moments and walk alongside them when most needed. Your overwhelming generosity goes toward blessing these two worthy organizations within our community as they support these fantastic young San Antonians.
For more information about these organizations, please visit:
Ferrari Kid |
Ransomed Life |