933 Lee St SW
Atlanta, GA US 30310
Come out and join the Atlanta BeltLine Partnership and The Knox Cycling Collective for a morning ride heading out of Lee & White on Hwy 29.
We'll be kicking things off at 8:00 am, with stagard starts starting at 9:00 am for the longer ride.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Entry Fee & Registration
Through March 15
- 23 & 42 Mile Ride...$55
- $150 for a family of 4 (2 adults & 2 Children under 18 yrs)
- 5 Mile Casual Ride...$20
- $100 for a family of 4 (2 adults & 2 Children under 18 yrs)
After March 15
- 23 & 42 Mile Ride...$65
- $160 for a family of 4 (2 adults & 2 Children under 18 yrs)
- 5 Mile Casual Ride...$30
- $110 for a family of 4 (2 adults & 2 Children under 18 yrs)
Registration Includes
• Packet pickup event
• Ride Tee Shirt (Guaranteed only for all who register before May 1, 2025.)
• SAG and after ride celebration starting at approximately noon.
Three Ride Routes include:
• Casual Route: 5 Miles out and back, east on the Atlanta BeltLine (one hour) Departs 11AM
• Short Route: 23 Miles out and back, south on Highway 29 (approx. 2 Hours) Departs 10 AM
• Long Route: 42 Miles out and back, South on Highways 29 (approx. 3 Hours) Departs 9 AM
Start Location & Routes
Casual rides access Atlanta BeltLine behind Monday Night Garage and travel east.
• Short and Long Rides travel right out of Monday Night Garage parking lot
• Right on Hwy 29
• Right on the road for the turnaround, sticking with right turns to minimize traffic control officers.
• Rides groups not on the BeltLine will have Ride Leads, Sweeps, and SAG. Law Enforcement will also
support the ride route.
5 Mile Route
23 Mile Route
42 Mile Route