55 Mile Ride (18 & Over)
42 Mile Ride (18 & Over)
23 Mile Ride (18 & Over)
5 Mile BeltLine Ride (18 & Over)
5 Mile BeltLine Ride (10 - 17 years)
933 Lee St SW
Atlanta, GA US 30310
Come out and join the Atlanta BeltLine Partnership and The Knox Cycling Collective for a morning ride heading out of Lee & White on Hwy 29.
We'll be kicking things off at 8:00 am, with staggered starts starting at 8:30 am for the longer ride.
Registration Fees Include Entry into the Beltline - Knox Biker Safety Awareness Kick-Off Party, Friday May 17, 2025, 6:30 - 9:00 pm, at Monday Night Brewing - Garage
933 Lee Street, SW
Join Biker Safety Advocates in Promoting Biker Safety Awareness.
Honor Fallen Riders
Pick Up Your Registration Packet
Enjoy Free Food and Entertainment
Event Sponsors
Entry Fee & Registration
Early Bird...$55, $65 after March 29
5 Mile Ride: $20
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Interested in becoming an event sponsor, email
Four Ride Routes include:
• Casual Route: 5 Miles out and back, east on the Atlanta BeltLine, Departs 9:30 AM
• Short Route: 23 Miles out and back, south on Highway 29, Departs 9:10 AM
• Long Route: 42 Miles out and back, south on Highways 29, Departs 8:50 AM
• XL Long Route: 55 Miles out and Back, south on Highway 29, Departs 8:30 AM
Start Location & Routes
Casual rides access Atlanta BeltLine behind Monday Night Garage and travel east.
- 23, 42, and 55 Mile Rides travel right out of Monday Night Garage parking lot
- Right on Hwy 29
- Right on the road for the turnaround, sticking with right turns to minimize traffic control officers.
- Ride groups not on the BeltLine will have Ride Leads, Sweeps, and SAG. Law Enforcement will also
support the ride route. - Casual BeltLine Ride will have Ride Leads & Sweeps.
5 Mile Route
23 Mile Route
42 Mile Route
55 Mile Route