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RUN 24.7

Sun March 2, 2025 East Rutherford, NJ 07073 US Directions

Gail Grunfeld

Fundraiser Login


Raised of $1,800



Hi, thanks for visiting my page!

On March 2nd, I’ll be participating in RUN 24.7, the exhilarating Chesed 24/7 5K Walk-Run-Raise - and I’m hoping you’ll be my sponsor.

March 2nd is a special day for me as it will be the 4th Yartzheit of my dear grandmother - Sara Leah Bas R’ Shlomo. This is a special opportunity for me to raise money for the cause in her memory. 🩷

Chesed 24/7 holds a special place in my heart. Besides for being an employee there for the past 3 years, and I can personally attest to the incredible work that they do, they have been a beacon of light to myself and to my family when we had to spend many days, nights, Shabbosim and Yomim Tovim in the hospital. 

It would mean a lot to me to be able to give back to this wonderful organization in the memory of my dear aunt - Rochel Malia Bas Avrohom Chaim , as well as my dear grandfather - Avrohom Chaim Ben Yechiel. 

You’re donation is so appreciated 😊

Gail Grunfeld ♥️



Top Donors

$1,492 Raised By 10 Donors

$500 on behalf of L'Nishmas Sarah Leah bas R'Shlomo
$360 on behalf of Yaffa Gutman
$200 on behalf of Esty Lupin
$180 on behalf of Michael and Esty Lupin
$72 on behalf of Shaindy Feldman
$54 on behalf of Etty Grunfeld
$36 on behalf of Bryna Edelson
$36 on behalf of Leah Gutman
$36 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of Gitty Wizel

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