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RUN 24.7

Sun March 2, 2025 East Rutherford, NJ 07073 US Directions
Team Fundraiser

Monsey Running for Chesed! (open to anyone who wants to join a team)

Fundraiser Login
Current Team Members:


Raised of $15,000



Your support helps our efforts to lighten the load of a family in the hospital caring for a loved one. Thank you for your generosity.

Top Donors

$29,990 Raised By 423 Donors

$864 from Anonymous
$613 on behalf of Spring Hill Community Ambulance Members
$500 on behalf of Eliana Shatkin
$500 on behalf of L'Nishmas Sarah Leah bas R'Shlomo
$500 from Anonymous
$500 on behalf of Shimon Baker
$489 from Anonymous
$422 from Anonymous
$375 on behalf of Sara Gittel Palley
$364 from Anonymous
$360 on behalf of Devorah Leah Greenblatt
$360 on behalf of Sora Weisberg
$360 on behalf of Yaffa Gutman
$291 on behalf of Ari and Rachel Carus
$250 on behalf of Jacob Neuhoff
$250 on behalf of Joseph Neuhoff
$200 from Anonymous
$200 on behalf of Debra Berkowitz
$200 on behalf of Esty Lupin
$200 from Anonymous
$200 on behalf of Zvi and Tova Mermelstein
$180 on behalf of Alan Lazarus
$180 on behalf of David and Sara Jungreis
$180 on behalf of DEBORAH SHATKIN
$180 on behalf of Eliana Shatkin
$180 from Anonymous
$180 on behalf of Gabi and Elisheva
$180 from Anonymous
$180 on behalf of Jonathan & Esther Toby Gewirtz
$180 on behalf of LAW OFFICE OF J EDELMAN
$180 on behalf of Leah Solomon
$180 on behalf of Michael and Esty Lupin
$180 on behalf of Miri Nash
$180 on behalf of Miriam Tempelman
$180 on behalf of Robin Gutman
$180 on behalf of Shlomo Citronenbaum
$180 on behalf of Susan Vorhand
$180 on behalf of Tzvi cherns
$180 on behalf of Yaakov & Shaindy Siegal
$180 on behalf of Yitz Greenbaum
$180 on behalf of Zehava M
$180 on behalf of Zev and Kayla Schuman
$168 from Anonymous
$155 from Anonymous
$150 on behalf of Az and Henny Hirth
$150 on behalf of Meilech & Chanie Rubin
$143 from Anonymous
$140 from Anonymous
$140 on behalf of Mindy Schonfeld
$140 on behalf of Rachelli Horowicz
$136 on behalf of Aunt Ettie & Uncle Louie
$123 on behalf of Elana Israel
$120 on behalf of Naami Berkowitz
$118 from Anonymous
$105 from Anonymous
$101 on behalf of Eli & Esti
$100 from Anonymous
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Blimy Lemberg
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Chanie and Shaya Shalitzky
$100 on behalf of Chaya Leah Tescher
$100 on behalf of Chaya Shaps
$100 on behalf of Dan Williams
$100 on behalf of Danzger
$100 on behalf of David Gertz
$100 On Behalf Of David Neuhouser
$100 on behalf of Deena Blau
$100 on behalf of Dovid and Ahuva Skolnick
$100 on behalf of Elliot Koegel
$100 on behalf of Esther Hans
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of goldie grunhut
$100 on behalf of Harriet Deutsch
$100 on behalf of Hindy Zelman
$100 on behalf of Jay Larner
$100 on behalf of Jeremy Horowitz
$100 on behalf of Lea GUTTMAN
$100 on behalf of Leah Green
$100 on behalf of Mark Neuhauser
$100 on behalf of Maryann Maidat
$100 on behalf of Michael Zimerman
$100 on behalf of Miriam Sheril
$100 on behalf of Mommy and Totty Moskovits
$100 on behalf of Nechama Hirth
$100 on behalf of nechama kotlarsky
$100 on behalf of Nissi and Meryl Hyman
$100 on behalf of Numi Heinemann
$100 on behalf of PD and Temi Roth
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Perl Wohlberg
$100 on behalf of Rachel Feltman
$100 on behalf of Rivky Eidelman
$100 on behalf of Robert Lazarus
$100 on behalf of Shani Horowicz
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Srully & Suri Ickowics
$100 from Anonymous
$100 On Behalf Of Talia Neuhauser
$100 on behalf of Toby Simmin
$100 on behalf of Tova Suslovich
$100 on behalf of Tzipporah Kranz
$100 on behalf of Yaakov Ainspan
$100 on behalf of Yanky & Adina Deutsch
$100 on behalf of Yechiel Rubin
$100 on behalf of Yehuda & Devorie & bashi
$100 on behalf of Yissi and Dini Yavne
$100 on behalf of Yosef and Rochel Cherns
$100 on behalf of הדסה נעכא בת צבי מנחם
$100 on behalf of רפואה שלמה בקרוב לפרל אסתר בת חוה
$93 on behalf of Yoni Miller
$92 from Anonymous
$75 on behalf of Ahuva Brecher
$75 on behalf of Chana Saperstein
$75 on behalf of Rochel Rothberg
$75 on behalf of Sarah Saltz
$75 on behalf of Yehuda and Nechama Shain
$72 on behalf of Bashi Goldbaum
$72 on behalf of Helen Kravetz
$72 on behalf of Kalman Biderman
$72 on behalf of Malka Kohn
$72 on behalf of Shaindy Feldman
$72 on behalf of You’re Awesome ❤️ To
$61 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Abba and Mommy
$54 on behalf of Ahuva Lazarus
$54 on behalf of Ahuva Feldstein
$54 on behalf of Aliza Zelman
$54 on behalf of Batsheva Silverstein
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of chanie calko
$54 on behalf of Chany Silverman
$54 on behalf of Charles
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Chaya Bouskila
$54 on behalf of Chaya Fried
$54 on behalf of Deena Becks
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Dusa Mozes
$54 on behalf of Elana Straus
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Eliyahu and Miri Spiegel
$54 on behalf of Esther Gelb
$54 on behalf of Esti and Coby Stopnicki
$54 on behalf of Etty Grunfeld
$54 on behalf of Frumie Lazarus
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Hadassah Weinberger
$54 on behalf of Isidore Tauber
$54 on behalf of Jeffrey Stern
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Jonathan & Esther Toby Gewirtz
$54 on behalf of Jonathon Neumann
$54 on behalf of Judy Fruchthandler
$54 on behalf of Lawrence Zaslow
$54 on behalf of Leah Sodden
$54 on behalf of M and S Itzkowitz
$54 on behalf of Matt Melnick
$54 on behalf of Mendy and Sury
$54 on behalf of Michael Solomom
$54 on behalf of MIRIAM SALTZ!!!!!!
$54 on behalf of Mordy and chani Weinberg
$54 on behalf of Moshe parnes
$54 on behalf of Moshe and Devora Saltz
$54 on behalf of Mussie Kaplan
$54 on behalf of Naama Belinsky
$54 on behalf of Patti Pollack
$54 on behalf of Rachel Josilowski
$54 on behalf of Rivky Kornfeld
$54 on behalf of Ruchama Garfunkel
$54 on behalf of Sara Idler
$54 on behalf of Shaindel Karr
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Sofia Kestenbaum
$54 on behalf of Tamar Itzkowitz
$54 on behalf of Tzipora and Yisroel Friedman
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Zaidie & Babbi ...Luv Ya!
$53 on behalf of Shalom Saltz
$50 on behalf of Ben and Shani Bernstein
$50 on behalf of Chanale Itzkowitz
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Esther & Moishe Deutsch
$50 on behalf of Jodie Epp
$50 on behalf of Leah Reifer
$50 on behalf of Nechama Gleich
$50 on behalf of Nechama Kestenbaum
$50 on behalf of Pinchas & Sharon Jacobs
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Sara Deutsch
$50 on behalf of Savta Stern
$50 on behalf of Suri Ickowics
$44 on behalf of Chayale & mordy Kahana
$42 on behalf of Dassy Saltz
$42 on behalf of Nechama Unknown
$40 from Anonymous
$40 on behalf of Rachel Hoffmann
$40 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Adina Greenberg
$36 on behalf of Ahuva Frishman
$36 on behalf of Aidy Kranz
$36 on behalf of Alicia Russo
$36 on behalf of Aliza Berry
$36 on behalf of Alyssa & Avi Sacks
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Ayala Berry
$36 on behalf of Basya Price
$36 on behalf of Benjamin Salamon
$36 on behalf of Bruchie Eisenberger
$36 on behalf of Bryna Edelson
$36 on behalf of Bumie and Yoni Goldstein
$36 on behalf of Chaim and Yael Lazarus
$36 on behalf of Chana Saperstein
$36 on behalf of Charline Rubinstein
$36 on behalf of Chava Hirth
$36 on behalf of curb:)
$36 on behalf of curb:)
$36 on behalf of curb:)
$36 on behalf of D'vorah and Stephen Green
$36 on behalf of devora lemberg
$36 on behalf of Dovid and Tanya Silber
$36 on behalf of Elina Shilian
$36 from Anonymous
$36 from Anonymous
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Esti Blumenkrantz
$36 on behalf of Esti Polatsek
$36 on behalf of Estie Gelbard
$36 on behalf of Evi and Emma
$36 on behalf of Gabbie Landau
$36 on behalf of Gabbie Landau
$36 on behalf of Gabriel Joseph
$36 on behalf of gital kirzner
$36 on behalf of Gitty yablonsky
$36 on behalf of Greenspan Fam
$36 on behalf of Horowicz Family
$36 on behalf of In memory of Zev Dovid Ben Pinchas
$36 from Anonymous
$36 from Anonymous
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Joe and Leah Gordon
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Kayla Gober
$36 on behalf of Lawrence Tarr
$36 on behalf of Lazer b
$36 on behalf of Leah Adler
$36 on behalf of Leah Adler
$36 on behalf of Leah and Izzy Klavan
$36 on behalf of Leah Gutman
$36 on behalf of Leah Gutman
$36 on behalf of Leah Gutman
$36 on behalf of Lindy Lazarus
$36 on behalf of Malky Feldman
$36 on behalf of Matt Maidat
$36 on behalf of Mendel Muller (Anonymously)
$36 on behalf of Mendy and Penina Silberberg
$36 on behalf of Michael Kantrow
$36 on behalf of Midfluencer Mendy
$36 on behalf of Miriam Stoessel
$36 on behalf of Momo Reich
$36 on behalf of Mordy & Chayale Kahana
$36 on behalf of Moshe Aryeh and Nechama Kushner
$36 on behalf of naomi kuriansky
$36 on behalf of Nechama Hirth
$36 on behalf of Noah Shatkin
$36 on behalf of Perel Rezmowitz
$36 on behalf of Peri Horowitz
$36 on behalf of R. Lazarus
$36 on behalf of Rafi Cohn
$36 on behalf of Rendel Kasowitz
$36 on behalf of Reva Gertel
$36 on behalf of Rivka Oppenheim
$36 on behalf of Rochee Levertov
$36 on behalf of rose srulowitz
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Sam and Rivky Raice
$36 on behalf of Sam Raice
$36 on behalf of Samira Bral
$36 on behalf of Sara Deutsch
$36 on behalf of Sara Poll
$36 on behalf of Shaindy Rosenstock
$36 on behalf of Shani Horowicz
$36 from Anonymous
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Suri berger
$36 on behalf of Suri Strulowicz
$36 on behalf of Tali Kirschner
$36 on behalf of The Landau Family
$36 on behalf of The Yungers
$36 on behalf of Tova Cohen
$36 on behalf of Tzvi Scher
$36 on behalf of Ur amazing brother
$36 on behalf of Veeta and Tzvi Needleman
$36 on behalf of With love from the Holy Land
$36 on behalf of Yakov & Dassie Kahana
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Yehuda & Hadassah Hoffner
$36 on behalf of Yehudis & Chaim Dov Greenberger
$36 on behalf of Yisroel Rubelow
$36 on behalf of Yitzy & Shira Karmel
$36 on behalf of Yoel & Leah Lichstein
$36 on behalf of Yosef Baker
$36 on behalf of Yosef and Shevy Haas
$36 on behalf of You’re fave sem sis
$36 on behalf of רפואה שלמה בקרוב לפרל אסתר בת חוה
$35 from Anonymous
$30 on behalf of Faigy K
$30 from Anonymous
$28 from Anonymous
$28 on behalf of Malka Orlofsky
$28 from Anonymous
$28 on behalf of Zehava Mann
$26 on behalf of Mozes Weisberg
$25 on behalf of Aubrey Unknown
$25 on behalf of Chanie Nadler
$25 on behalf of Gilah Lazarus
$25 On Behalf Of Matti Gruen
$25 on behalf of Mindy Lazarus
$25 on behalf of Peshie Needleman
$25 on behalf of Pinchas Blumenberg
$25 on behalf of Raizy Levine
$25 on behalf of Shoshana Cypess
$25 on behalf of Yaakov Rosenberg
$25 on behalf of You got this girl!!!
$25 on behalf of You’re favorite loud annoying best human being half big sister
$25 on behalf of Zvi Menachem and Frumie Gartenhaus
$23 from Anonymous
$23 on behalf of Zehava Mann
$20 on behalf of Leeby Amsel
$20 from Anonymous
$20 on behalf of Meir wiess
$20 from Anonymous
$20 on behalf of Nina Marciano
$20 from Anonymous
$20 from Anonymous
$19 on behalf of Eli and Tamar Newhouse
$18 on behalf of ABA Kahn
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of Arieh & Nava Holzer
$18 on behalf of Atara Gutman
$18 on behalf of Avigayil Scheinerman
$18 on behalf of BEILAH WEISBLUM
$18 on behalf of Binny Unknown
$18 on behalf of Boruch and Rachel Itzkowitz
$18 from Anonymous
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of Chana G
$18 on behalf of Chanale Itzkowitz
$18 on behalf of Chanale Itzkowitz
$18 on behalf of Chanie Rapoport
$18 on behalf of Chany Kotlarsky
$18 on behalf of Chava Devorah kahn
$18 on behalf of Chava Devorah kahn
$18 on behalf of Chavy Unknown
$18 on behalf of Daniel & Michelle Alpert
$18 on behalf of Danny & Rivky Moore
$18 on behalf of Deena Shatkin
$18 on behalf of Devora Kaplinsky
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of Devory Flohr
$18 on behalf of Dovid and Chava Go Mimi goooo
$18 on behalf of Dovid Lichstein
$18 on behalf of Eliyahu and Rachel Switzer
$18 on behalf of Esther Chyla Itzkowitz
$18 on behalf of Esty Leonerowitz
$18 on behalf of Gabriel Kesten
$18 on behalf of Gail Chase
$18 on behalf of Gittel Schwarz
$18 on behalf of Gitty Wizel
$18 from Anonymous
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of Leah Wosner
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of M.L. Stern
$18 on behalf of Melissa Wicentowsky
$18 on behalf of Moishe & Rivkah Fraidel Stern
$18 on behalf of Naomi Peker
$18 on behalf of Nichy Blumenberg
$18 on behalf of Orah Monczyk
$18 on behalf of Perel E
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of Raizy Pollack
$18 on behalf of Ralph and Kayla
$18 on behalf of Raquel Urbach
$18 on behalf of Rena Hochstadt Unknown
$18 on behalf of Rikki kamin
$18 on behalf of Sara Leah Menczer
$18 on behalf of Sara Zuckerman
$18 on behalf of Sarah Salvay
$18 on behalf of Sarah Rubin
$18 on behalf of Sarah Salvay
$18 on behalf of Sarala Dessler
$18 on behalf of Sari Davidovitz
$18 on behalf of Shaindi, Yitz, Hallel and Shalev
$18 on behalf of Shaya and Rochel Schenkolewski
$18 on behalf of Shephie Friedman
$18 on behalf of Tiffy Moeller
$18 on behalf of Yael Gutman
$18 on behalf of Yaffa Weiss
$18 on behalf of Yakov & Shana Schwab
$18 on behalf of Yehuda Arielle Jacobowitz
$18 on behalf of Yehuda Itzkowitz
$18 on behalf of Yehuda Lichstein
$18 on behalf of Yiddi Paplanos
$18 from Anonymous
$18 from Anonymous
$15 on behalf of Leah Russ
$15 on behalf of Miri Tepper
$15 on behalf of Sara Deutsch
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Shiraaaaaaaaaa
$10 on behalf of Talia Simpson
$8 on behalf of sara willig
$7 On Behalf Of Matti Gruen
$5 on behalf of Ari Itzkowitz
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Sara Weissman
$5 on behalf of Shevy Schwartz
$5 on behalf of Yossi Itzkowitz
$2 on behalf of Tamar Itzkowitz
$1 on behalf of Yossi Glueck

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