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RUN 24.7

Sun March 2, 2025 East Rutherford, NJ 07073 US Directions
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Dianne Steinberg
In memory of my father Noach Ben Levi

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Dear Family and Friends,

This year, I’m running the Chesed 24/7 5K once again in memory of my dad, and I’d be grateful for your support as I take part in this meaningful event.


Over the last six months of my dad's life, he spent a lot of time in Hackensack Hospital—either in the ER for transfusions or as an admitted patient. While watching his health decline was incredibly painful, it was also a deeply meaningful time for me. It was an opportunity to give back the care and love that I had always received. Simply sitting by his side and being present with him was incredibly comforting. We were very close, and I feel so blessed to have had a father whom I loved so dearly, and who loved me even more. While we shared many happy memories, it is the love we shared that I carry with me most.


During all the time my mom and I spent at the hospital, Chesed 24/7 was a lifeline for us. This organization stocks kosher food pantries in hospitals, providing free kosher meals for patients’ families and friends. Knowing there was always a place to grab a coffee, a Danish, fresh fruit, tuna, or even Shabbos essentials was such a comfort. It made the hospital feel less cold and more like a home.


My running and exercise were things my dad always took a deep interest in. He often reminisced about his childhood, especially the memories of playing ball, which were dear to him. He proudly referred to himself as an "old football player" and held onto that identity with so much pride. In fact, he was so determined that he refused to use a walker for as long as possible, only turning to a wheelchair when it became absolutely necessary.


Please join me in supporting this wonderful cause. Your generosity means so much to me, and it’s a way to honor my dad's memory while also helping families like ours.


With love and gratitude,

P.S. A special thanks to my dear cousin ♥Abbie, whose encouragement keeps me running and focussing on my health.



Top Donors

$1,837 Raised By 23 Donors

$180 on behalf of Aliza Grossman
$180 on behalf of Mordechai and Penina Arazi
$125 on behalf of In memory of my dear husband Norman. We were so blessed to share a wonderful life together and I am so grateful that we were able to purchase a home in Eretz Yisrael.
$100 on behalf of Avraham Steinberg
$100 On Behalf Of Avrom and Shirley Vann
$100 on behalf of David & Judy Citer
$100 on behalf of Faith and Scott Moskowitz
$100 on behalf of In honor of my wonderful wife Dianne
$100 on behalf of Jacobs/Kalmus family
$100 on behalf of Levi & Hadassah
$100 on behalf of Lois Deutsch
$100 on behalf of Marcia and Boris Libster
$100 on behalf of The Russell Family
$54 on behalf of Alan Kreisbuch
$54 on behalf of Ari & Rochelle Rosenfeld
$54 on behalf of Lisa and Ron Alper
$36 on behalf of Ellen Olenick
$36 on behalf of Faver Family
$36 on behalf of Sarah Pollock
$36 on behalf of Shaina Steinberg
$18 on behalf of Aaron Steinberg
$18 on behalf of Ashira Ruttner
$10 from Anonymous

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