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RUN 24.7

Sun March 2, 2025 East Rutherford, NJ 07073 US Directions
Team Fundraiser

Passaic Team

Fundraiser Login
Current Team Members:


Raised of $10,000



Your support helps our efforts to lighten the load of a family in the hospital caring for a loved one. Thank you for your generosity.

Top Donors

$55,687 Raised By 550 Donors

$1,800 on behalf of Yaakov Dean
$1,200 from Anonymous
$1,050 on behalf of Zelda Mehl
$1,000 on behalf of Meshy Bodner
$900 from Anonymous
$900 from Anonymous
$900 from Anonymous
$900 from Anonymous
$900 from Anonymous
$900 from Anonymous
$720 on behalf of Prestige
$500 on behalf of Babi and Zeide Rubin
$500 on behalf of Chaya Gonter
$500 from Anonymous
$500 on behalf of Shmulie Sontag
$476 from Anonymous
$420 from Anonymous
$360 from Anonymous
$360 on behalf of CHAIM FREEMAN
$360 from Anonymous
$360 on behalf of Eli F
$360 on behalf of Etya Weiss
$360 on behalf of Gitelle, Bracha, Ella Gross. The three loveliest girls in the world!
$360 on behalf of Shaya Feferkorn
$360 on behalf of Shulie Zweigbaum & family
$360 on behalf of Tzipora Gelernter
$342 from Anonymous
$322 from Anonymous
$300 on behalf of Michal Chambre
$295 from Anonymous
$284 from Anonymous
$270 from Anonymous
$250 on behalf of Hal rudin
$250 on behalf of Jaques D'Zeidi L'bogey
$250 on behalf of Sharon and Israel Ashkenazy
$250 on behalf of Shlome & Gitty Schwartz
$250 from Anonymous
$218 on behalf of Zeidy Jaques D'la'bogei
$212 on behalf of Robert Rappaport
$200 on behalf of Barry Moskovits
$200 on behalf of Chesky Perlow
$200 on behalf of Malka Perlow
$200 on behalf of Richard Nadel
$186 from Anonymous
$180 on behalf of Abigail's commitment to chesed
$180 on behalf of Adina Fogel
$180 on behalf of Alisa Schwartz
$180 on behalf of Aliza Grossman
$180 on behalf of Avi Ashkenazy
$180 from Anonymous
$180 on behalf of Bob and Judy Millman
$180 on behalf of Bracha & Yosef Shuchatowitz
$180 on behalf of Deena Koplowitz
$180 on behalf of dvora katz
$180 on behalf of Efraim Rudin
$180 from Anonymous
$180 on behalf of Ephraim and Miriam Tempelman
$180 from Anonymous
$180 on behalf of In honor of your wonderful husband Hal
$180 on behalf of Jamie Saplitsky
$180 from Anonymous
$180 on behalf of Joseph Bernstein
$180 on behalf of Kellie Broyn
$180 on behalf of Larry Pollack
$180 on behalf of Leah and Avrami Klepfish
$180 on behalf of Lzecher nishmas Devorah Shifrah bas Avrohom Mordecai Michoel
$180 on behalf of Ma and Ta
$180 on behalf of Malka Levitin
$180 from Anonymous
$180 from Anonymous
$180 from Anonymous
$180 on behalf of Michael Davidson
$180 on behalf of Miriam & Daniel Hill
$180 on behalf of Mom & Dad
$180 on behalf of Mordechai and Penina Arazi
$180 on behalf of Moshe Gandjian
$180 on behalf of Rachel Zuckerman
$180 on behalf of Rita Zylberman
$180 on behalf of Rivi and Avi Brum
$180 on behalf of Run, Tova, run!
$180 from Anonymous
$180 on behalf of Shani Recht
$180 on behalf of Shari Freeman
$180 on behalf of Shaya Feferkorn
$180 from Anonymous
$180 on behalf of Shulie Zweigbaum
$180 from Anonymous
$180 from Anonymous
$180 on behalf of Suzanne Wallin
$180 on behalf of talia Gorbacz
$180 on behalf of Tamara and Asi Klein
$180 on behalf of The Chasman Family
$180 on behalf of Tzali Lazarus
$180 on behalf of Uncle Eli and Aunt Rina
$180 on behalf of Yehudis Eisenman
$150 from Anonymous
$150 on behalf of Elliot Klein
$150 on behalf of Moshe Levitin
$150 on behalf of Tzippora Zolty
$125 on behalf of In memory of my dear husband Norman. We were so blessed to share a wonderful life together and I am so grateful that we were able to purchase a home in Eretz Yisrael.
$120 on behalf of Miriam Schwartz
$120 on behalf of Shmuel Freeman
$118 from Anonymous
$108 on behalf of Deborah Whiteman
$108 from Anonymous
$101 on behalf of Leah Mehl
$101 on behalf of Saba and Savta
$100 on behalf of 2nd best sister!
$100 on behalf of Aaron J Malavsky
$100 on behalf of Aliza Lang
$100 on behalf of Anat & Ricky Kampf
$100 on behalf of Ariella Levine
$100 from Anonymous
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Avraham Steinberg
$100 On Behalf Of Avrom and Shirley Vann
$100 on behalf of Barry Weinraub
$100 on behalf of Batsheva mann
$100 on behalf of Batya gorelick
$100 on behalf of Berti Herzka
$100 on behalf of Bethan
$100 on behalf of Chanchy Ostreicher
$100 on behalf of Chani and Josh Leibowitz
$100 on behalf of Chanie Koplowitz
$100 on behalf of Charles Pollack
$100 on behalf of Chatz and Libby Lazarus
$100 on behalf of Chava Rena and Mayer
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Cheryl and Dani Ellenberg
$100 on behalf of Cheryl Bier
$100 on behalf of Cheryl Gross
$100 on behalf of Coby Soffer
$100 on behalf of daniella Hirtz
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Dassie Bausk
$100 on behalf of Dave & Dassa Zaks
$100 on behalf of David & Judy Citer
$100 on behalf of Deborah Whiteman
$100 from Anonymous
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Dina Gluck
$100 from Anonymous
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Dvora Liebster
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Elly & Sora Adele Krieger
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Faith and Scott Moskowitz
$100 on behalf of Frieda Fink
$100 on behalf of Go Malky Go!!!! Keep doing amazing things!!
$100 on behalf of In honor of my wonderful wife Dianne
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Jacobs/Kalmus family
$100 on behalf of Jeanette Lamm
$100 on behalf of Jerry and Susan Gerstman
$100 on behalf of Jodi Rosenthal
$100 on behalf of Judah & Tehila Yafeh
$100 on behalf of Levi & Hadassah
$100 on behalf of Libby Goldstein
$100 on behalf of Lois Deutsch
$100 on behalf of Love, Mindi!
$100 on behalf of Malgorzata Lokietek
$100 on behalf of Malkie Hersko
$100 on behalf of Marcia and Boris Libster
$100 on behalf of Mendy and Gloria Davidson
$100 on behalf of Michael & Jennifer Wiederkehr
$100 on behalf of Michelle Abramchik
$100 on behalf of Mimi and Corey Fuchs
$100 on behalf of Mommy and Daddy
$100 on behalf of Mordy
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Moshe Brickman
$100 on behalf of Moshe Brustowsky
$100 on behalf of Mummy and Abba in honor of Chaya Sora Poll
$100 on behalf of Nancy Soffer
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Nechama Gaffney
$100 on behalf of Perrie Klein
$100 from Anonymous
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Rebecca Gamss
$100 on behalf of Reena Gross
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Reuven & Linda Segall
$100 on behalf of rhonda Weinraub
$100 on behalf of Rochel Lang
$100 from Anonymous
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Sara Aliza Rudin
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Sara Poll
$100 on behalf of Sari Katz
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Shayna Whiteman
$100 on behalf of Shayna Whiteman
$100 on behalf of Susan Zolty
$100 on behalf of Susan Zolty
$100 on behalf of Suzy Litman
$100 on behalf of The Russell Family
$100 on behalf of The Tuchmans
$100 on behalf of Tova Heimlich
$100 on behalf of Tova lang
$100 on behalf of Yahrtzeit of Rivkah bas Avrohom a”h
$100 on behalf of Yitzchok Koplowitz
$100 on behalf of Yonahbache and Tzippoiraneini Rubin
$100 on behalf of z & b flam
$80 on behalf of Yonina Lazarus
$76 on behalf of Deena Koplowitz
$75 on behalf of Judy Greenspan
$75 on behalf of Judy Greenspan
$72 on behalf of Chaya Raab
$72 on behalf of Dovid & Esty Perlow
$72 from Anonymous
$72 on behalf of Dvora Weinraub
$72 on behalf of Gitty yablonsky
$72 on behalf of Kayla Klugmann
$72 on behalf of Leah Davis
$72 from Anonymous
$72 on behalf of Suri and Sruli E
$72 on behalf of Uncle Yaakov Hillel and Aunt Judy
$65 on behalf of Eisenman Mishkafaim
$65 on behalf of Tuvia & Nechama Eisenman
$54 on behalf of A B & C Krieger
$54 on behalf of Aaron shmuel & Chaya Sara Pollock
$54 on behalf of Abba and Mommy Schwartz Schwartz
$54 on behalf of Abby Bernstein
$54 on behalf of Abe gabe and Dina Zaks
$54 on behalf of Alan Kreisbuch
$54 on behalf of Aliza and Andrew Parver
$54 on behalf of Aliza Witty
$54 on behalf of Aliza Witty
$54 on behalf of Allie Zylberberg
$54 on behalf of Ami and Adina Brower
$54 on behalf of Ari & Rochelle Rosenfeld
$54 on behalf of Asher and Kiki Millman
$54 on behalf of Atara Rosenblatt
$54 on behalf of Atara Rosenblatt
$54 on behalf of aviva burstyn Elchonen
$54 on behalf of Batsheva Bane
$54 on behalf of Batsheva Bane
$54 on behalf of Bayla Geller
$54 on behalf of Burry, Shaindy & Faigy Gross Go Gitelle and Bracha!!
$54 on behalf of Chaya Leah Schmutter
$54 on behalf of Chaya Pollak
$54 on behalf of Chaya Weinraub
$54 on behalf of Cindy & Jeremy Merrill
$54 on behalf of Dan & Jen Twersky
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Debra Hellman
$54 on behalf of Deena Becks
$54 from Anonymous
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Efraim and Susan
$54 on behalf of Elisheva Schwartz
$54 on behalf of Elisheva Schwartz
$54 on behalf of Ephraim Weller
$54 on behalf of Esther & Avi Weingarten
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Esty Elbogen
$54 on behalf of Esty Spitzer
$54 on behalf of Ezra and Ruthie Lazarus
$54 on behalf of Fraidy Leiser
$54 on behalf of Gittie Cohen
$54 on behalf of Go Tamar! Love, Adina
$54 on behalf of Goldman Girls
$54 on behalf of Hadassah Buchler
$54 on behalf of Hilary Bloch
$54 on behalf of IHO my fav family the Gonters !!!
$54 on behalf of In memory of Eliahu Ben Moshe Yosef
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of JJ and Aviva Eizik
$54 on behalf of John Clague
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Joseph Bernstein
$54 on behalf of Julie Swartz
$54 On Behalf Of Karen Feld
$54 on behalf of Kayla Marx
$54 on behalf of Kobe and Faigy Gross
$54 on behalf of L'iluy nishmas Binyamin Yisrael be. Shlomo haLevi
$54 on behalf of Leah Ament
$54 on behalf of Lianna Silverman
$54 on behalf of Liba Gunsburg
$54 on behalf of Lisa and Ron Alper
$54 on behalf of Lisa Traiger
$54 from Anonymous
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Malya Sobel
$54 on behalf of Marti, Nachum & Callie Lang
$54 on behalf of Mike Lokietek
$54 on behalf of Miri Lemberger
$54 from Anonymous
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Miriam Ganjy
$54 on behalf of Miriam Koltai
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Nechama Tepfer
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Opa and Oma Levy
$54 on behalf of Orly Gandjian
$54 on behalf of Rena Hanan
$54 on behalf of Rene Grodko
$54 on behalf of Rikki Holtzman
$54 on behalf of Risa Yeamans
$54 on behalf of Risa Yeamans
$54 on behalf of Rivka Schimel
$54 on behalf of Rochel Schwartzman
$54 on behalf of Sandi Haddad
$54 on behalf of Sara Schlesinger
$54 on behalf of sara azer
$54 on behalf of Sara Rosenwasser
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Sarah verzub
$54 on behalf of shaindel antelis
$54 on behalf of shaindy klein
$54 on behalf of Sharon Klagsbrun
$54 on behalf of Sherri Klagsbrun
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Shira Weill
$54 on behalf of Shmalo Family
$54 on behalf of Syma Buchler
$54 on behalf of Ta Zaks
$54 on behalf of Tamar Katz
$54 on behalf of Tehila Barasch
$54 on behalf of Temima Leiser
$54 on behalf of The Garnerville Rudins
$54 on behalf of Tzippy Fettman
$54 on behalf of Tzvi Rudin
$54 on behalf of Vanessa Maria Dominguez
$54 on behalf of Yagi Katz
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Yitzy Kislak
$54 on behalf of Yosef and Bracha Pieprz
$54 on behalf of Zahava davidowitz
$54 on behalf of Zahava davidowitz
$50 on behalf of Adina Levy
$50 on behalf of Dan Lewkowicz
$50 on behalf of Daniel and Elana Peikes
$50 on behalf of Daniel and Elana Peikes
$50 on behalf of Daniel and Elana Peikes
$50 on behalf of Gayle Jaffe
$50 on behalf of Miriam Brickman
$50 On Behalf Of Mr. Greisman
$50 on behalf of Nesanel Rosen
$50 on behalf of Shira Berkowitz
$50 On Behalf Of Simcha Whiteman
$50 on behalf of Zipy Zaks
$40 on behalf of Chavi Kalisch
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Adina Grossman
$36 on behalf of Alexander Peykar
$36 on behalf of Aliza Mervis
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Amanda Lyman
$36 on behalf of Amy Gross
$36 from Anonymous
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Atara Jay
$36 on behalf of Ava Weitz
$36 on behalf of Avigayil & Simcha Luchansky
$36 on behalf of Avigayil Antelis
$36 on behalf of bais yaakov passaic
$36 on behalf of Blimie and David Hamel
$36 on behalf of Bracha Gandjian
$36 on behalf of Chana Edelstein
$36 on behalf of Chavi Dicker
$36 on behalf of Chaya Leah Clague
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of DANIEL RITZ
$36 on behalf of David and Suri Landerer
$36 on behalf of Devora Scherman
$36 on behalf of devorah finkelstein
$36 on behalf of Dona Tennenhaus
$36 on behalf of Dr. Mendy
$36 on behalf of Eitan Chasman
$36 on behalf of Elana & Avi Spiro
$36 on behalf of Elchanan and Faigy Aberbach
$36 on behalf of Ellen Medetsky
$36 on behalf of Ellen Olenick
$36 on behalf of Elyse Dukelsky
$36 on behalf of Esti Abady
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of eve muller
$36 on behalf of eve muller
$36 on behalf of Faver Family
$36 on behalf of Faygie Rosenfeld
$36 on behalf of Fraidy Myski
$36 on behalf of Hadassah youseflaleh
$36 on behalf of Hillel Orgel
$36 on behalf of Hindy Zucker
$36 on behalf of Joy Goldberg
$36 on behalf of Krimsky family
$36 on behalf of Leah Sugerman
$36 on behalf of Leah Uhr
$36 on behalf of Leilui Nishmas Shmuel Tzvi Ben R’ Yaakov
$36 from Anonymous
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Malka yakov Slatus
$36 on behalf of Me Unknown
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Melissa Fleischer
$36 on behalf of Mindy Rosenberg
$36 on behalf of Miryam Gonter
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Mordechai and Perel Dowek
$36 on behalf of Moshe Schwartz
$36 on behalf of N & HG
$36 on behalf of Natalie Siegel
$36 on behalf of Natalie Siegel
$36 on behalf of Natallia Pihulskaya
$36 on behalf of Nechemya and Chani Pleeter
$36 on behalf of Pearl Anderson
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Perel Zucker
$36 on behalf of Rachel Basilyan
$36 on behalf of rachel mendelovitz
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Rebecca Geltzer
$36 on behalf of Rena Zlotnick
$36 on behalf of Rena Zucker
$36 on behalf of renee koenig
$36 on behalf of Rochelle Lewkowicz
$36 on behalf of Rochie Sommer
$36 on behalf of Ronit Hakakian
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Samantha Clague
$36 on behalf of Sara Stefansky
$36 on behalf of Sara Poll
$36 from Anonymous
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Sarah Adler
$36 on behalf of Sarah Pollock
$36 on behalf of Sarah Ziet
$36 on behalf of Shabsi and Meira’s Bath
$36 on behalf of Shaina Steinberg
$36 on behalf of Shaindy Goldstein
$36 on behalf of Sharon Nussbacher
$36 on behalf of Shaya and Yitti Eisenman
$36 on behalf of Sheya Porges
$36 on behalf of Shlomo Berkowitz
$36 on behalf of Simcha & Deena Sauer
$36 on behalf of Simi Brunner
$36 on behalf of Simone Rozental
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Steven Zimerman
$36 on behalf of The Arnsteins
$36 on behalf of The Rupps
$36 on behalf of the zakheim family
$36 on behalf of Tova Reich
$36 on behalf of Tova Korn
$36 on behalf of Tova Manaster
$36 on behalf of Tovah Antelis
$36 on behalf of Yaakov & Esty Hatanian
$36 on behalf of Yaffa Cohen
$36 from Anonymous
$36 from Anonymous
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Yossi Weinraub
$36 on behalf of ZAIDA & BUFBBY WEISS
$36 on behalf of ❤️shaindy K❤️
$27 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Chaya Gonter
$25 on behalf of Elana Serkez
$25 on behalf of go chana aliza!!!! cant wait, mimi
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Rochela Scherman
$20 on behalf of Estie Bernstein
$20 on behalf of Rebecca Felder
$20 on behalf of Sheera Seplowitz
$20 from Anonymous
$20 on behalf of Yanky Katz YK EVENTS & CO
$18 on behalf of Aaron Steinberg
$18 on behalf of Abby bernstein
$18 on behalf of Aden Saks
$18 on behalf of Akiva and Tzivya Rudin
$18 on behalf of Alison Griggs
$18 on behalf of Aliza Weinles
$18 on behalf of Allen Abrahams
$18 on behalf of Allen Abrahams
$18 on behalf of Ashira Ruttner
$18 on behalf of Bracha Rosenberg
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of chani rogin
$18 on behalf of Chani Weiser
$18 on behalf of Dassi Erlanger
$18 on behalf of David Ringer
$18 on behalf of Devora Scherman
$18 on behalf of Dovid and Yaffa Baslaw
$18 on behalf of Efroim and Suri Messinger
$18 on behalf of Eli Z
$18 on behalf of Elisheva Hyman
$18 on behalf of Esti G
$18 on behalf of Etana Kamara
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of Hadasa Perlmuter
$18 on behalf of Hadassah Oberlander
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of Jodi Goldschmiedt
$18 from Anonymous
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of Menashe Uhr
$18 on behalf of Mendy Feldman
$18 on behalf of Miriam Finkelstein-Fishberg
$18 from Anonymous
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of N & HG
$18 on behalf of Nikki Lazarus
$18 on behalf of Ohry Soussan
$18 on behalf of Passaic Clifton Chayalim and kol chayalim shelanu
$18 on behalf of Pincus Schiff @FRIDAY
$18 on behalf of Rachel Peck
$18 on behalf of Rivkah Bina
$18 on behalf of Robert Lazarus
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of Shainy Cohen
$18 on behalf of shevy p
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of Simi Holzberg
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of Tzvi Bogachkov
$18 on behalf of Yehudis Eisenman
$18 on behalf of Yitzi Patchen
$18 on behalf of Yoel Lichstein
$18 on behalf of your running buddy!!! cant wait to run with you!!!
$15 on behalf of Emilie Kaplan
$15 on behalf of Rachel Switzer
$15 on behalf of yehuda soffer
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Chana Aliza
$10 on behalf of chana moskovits
$10 on behalf of chana moskovits
$10 on behalf of Chaya Azer
$10 on behalf of Eliyahu and Rachel Switzer
$10 on behalf of Eliyahu and Rachel Switzer
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Mark Lewkowicz
$10 on behalf of Mendy zuckerman
$10 on behalf of Nechama weiss
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Shiffy Zuckerman
$10 on behalf of yehuda soffer
$10 on behalf of Yocheved Orenstein
$7 from Anonymous
$6 on behalf of Chana b Stefansky
$5 on behalf of Avrumi Bernstein
$5 on behalf of Benny
$5 on behalf of Benny Eisenman
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Sol Fefer
$5 from Anonymous
$1 on behalf of Ella Bernstein ♥️

Passaic Team Team Members


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