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United Way 5k on the Runway

Sat April 26, 2025 Lynchburg, VA 24502 US Directions

Volunteer Check-In High Priority

April 26, 2025


You will be checking in volunteers as they arrive and giving them instructions. You will need to become familiar with all job duties ahead of time so you can clearly articulate what is required of each volunteer. You will also be setting up volunteer hospitality (snacks, water) for volunteers only.

Due to Airport restrictions children under the age of 18 are not permitted to volunteer or join parents/adults who are volunteering.


982 Airport Road
Lynchburg, VA US 24502

Registration/Packet Pickup High Priority

April 25, 2025


You will be confirming registration and providing bibs, shirts, and race bags. You will receive training at the beginning of your shift, so please be sure to arrive on time.


Riverside Runners
2480 Rivermont Ave.
Lynchburg, VA 24503

Registration/Packet Pickup High Priority

April 26, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


You will be confirming registration and providing bibs, shirts, and race bags. You will receive training at the beginning of your shift, so please be sure to arrive on time.

Due to airport restrictions we cannot allow children under 18 years of age to volunteer or accompany parents/adults while volunteering.


982 Airport Road
Lynchburg, VA US 24502

Site Setup Team

April 26, 2025


You are the first crew of the morning, and there are a variety of tasks to do in preparation for the race, such as unpacking the delivery truck, setting up tents, tables, and PA system. You are welcome to move from site set-up to the course and Start/Finish set-up once all equipment is unpacked and prepped.

Due to Airport restrictions children under the age of 18 are not permitted to volunteer or join parents/adults who are volunteering.


982 Airport Road
Lynchburg, VA US 24502

Course and Start/finish Set-Up High Priority

April 26, 2025


" There are various tasks to do, such as hanging banners, setting up pop-up tents, organizing the Hospitality/Food tent, setting up the registration table, prepping the water stop location, hanging balloons, and getting the finish line area ready. Upon arrival, we will have a short orientation meeting and assign individual tasks to each volunteer. This role will be directed and escorted by airport staff at all times when on the taxiway.

Due to Airport restrictions children under the age of 18 are not permitted to volunteer or join parents/adults who are volunteering.


982 Airport Road
Lynchburg, VA US 24502


This volunteer task is full.


Parking volunteers will be assigned to three locations to ensure efficient parking and access to the start/finish area via the assigned staircase. We will provide you with a Q&A of commonly asked questions and names of businesses that will have access to the start area and their companies. Please bring a folding chair. We will provide you with a vest and two-way radio. there will be a meeting to review logistics and direct you to the parking locations.

Due to Airport restrictions children under the age of 18 are not permitted to volunteer or join parents/adults who are volunteering.

Due to Airport restrictions children under the age of 18 are not permitted to volunteer or join parents/adults who are volunteering.


982 Airport Road
Lynchburg, VA US 24502

Greeters/Gate Attendants

April 26, 2025


There are various tasks to do, including directing people to registration and packet pick up, portable toilets, start area, and bag drop. Also, strollers, bicycles, rollerblades, and pets are not permitted in the secured area.

Due to Airport restrictions children under the age of 18 are not permitted to volunteer or join parents/adults who are volunteering.


982 Airport Road
Lynchburg, VA US 24502

Bag Drop Low Priority

April 26, 2025


Ensure participant bags as securely sealed and labeled with their name, bib number, and contact information. Participants are required to secure and label their bags. Once you have accepted bags, store them by the bib number. A volunteer must remain at the bag drop area at all times to ensure the safety of participants' property. At the end of the race, return bags to participants and clean up the bag drop area once all bags are returned. Place all remaining items and garbage on the table.

Due to Airport restrictions children under the age of 18 are not permitted to volunteer or join parents/adults who are volunteering.


982 Airport Road
Lynchburg, VA US 24502

Turn Around Attendant High Priority

April 26, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Please allow plenty of time to find parking and walking to the event location. Wearing a volunteer race t-shirt is required. When you arrive, please sign in at the volunteer check-in tent.Cones will be placed at the turnaround location to indicate the direction for the runners. Airport Security will escort you to the turnaround location, and it will be approximately 1 miles from the start. You may need to walk to the turnaround spot, so be sure to give yourself plenty of time to get to the location and wear comfortable shoes. Have fun and cheer on the runners as they run around the cones. Feel free to bring music via blue tooth speakers, cowbells, clappers, etc. The race is a timed event, so everyone must run entirely around the cones before heading back to the finish line. Remain in position until the last participant goes around the cones and heads to the finish (this is an out and back course). The YMCA bus is our sweep vehicle and indicates no other runners are coming. You are welcome to ride to the finish on the YMCA bus.

Due to Airport restrictions children under the age of 18 are not permitted to volunteer or join parents/adults who are volunteering.


982 Airport Road
Lynchburg, VA US 24502

Hospitality Tent Coordinators High Priority

April 26, 2025


Volunteers in Hospitality/refreshment tent area will organize refreshments bags for the participants. This will include assisting with food/ hydration areas staged in two separate lines for easy distribution. Direct the runners through the food line as they choose their post-race foods. Once all participants have gone through the food/hydration lines please clean up all garbage and place all remaining bags on top of tables for pick up.

Due to Airport restrictions children under the age of 18 are not permitted to volunteer or join parents/adults who are volunteering.

Due to Airport restrictions children under the age of 18 are not permitted to volunteer or join parents/adults who are volunteering.


982 Airport Road
Lynchburg, VA US 24502

Site Teardown Team High Priority

April 26, 2025


Please allow plenty of time to find parking and walk to the event location. Wearing a volunteer race t-shirt is required. Volunteers will follow behind the last participants and YMCA bus at a reasonable distance to take down all event signs and ensure the taxiway is clean. Once the final participants are in and after race festivities are complete, volunteers will take down the start/finish area, clean up trash, fold-up tables and tents, pack up supplies, clean up water stops, clean up course decorations. We will need volunteers to load the truck, take items to the United Way offices and unload them. This role will be directed and escorted by airport staff at all times when on the taxiway. Please plan to bring work gloves with you.

Due to Airport restrictions children under the age of 18 are not permitted to volunteer or join parents/adults who are volunteering.

Water Station High Priority

April 26, 2025


• Please go to volunteer check-in when you arrive and check-in.
• You will be directed out to the water station. You may need to walk so please allow enough time to walk approximately 3/4 mile.
• Water containers and cone cups are available for runners- please set out on table.
• Hold water out at arm’s length for runners to grab as they pass by.
• You may bring music and a portable speaker.
• Please cheer for the runners as they pass by you.
• When YMCA bus passes the water station, pick up all dropped bottles, caps, debris and place in trash containers. Tie all trash bags and set beside tables.
• Collapse trash boxes and place sandbags on top to secure.
• Walk back to start/finish area.
• Return vests and radio to Volunteer Check-in when you leave.

5K Start/Finish Line Attendants High Priority

April 26, 2025


Job Description:

• Please go to volunteer check-in when you arrive and check-in.
• You will have a map of the start area.
• Your role is to greet participants, answer questions, and direct the runners to the race's start area.
• Once the race begins and all participants have cleared the start area, please move to the finish line to access the medals.
• The first-place runners will finish in approximately 15-18 minutes.
• Congratulate each finisher, hand them their medal and direct them to the Hospitality tent for refreshments.

Marshals on the Runway High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 26, 2025


We need marshals on the runway to assist with keeping runners on the course as they run on the taxiway. You will be stationed between cones on the 5K course. A map will be supplied with your exact location prior to your arrival, and a meeting will take place with our course coordinator on-site prior to entering the course.

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