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The Dusty Bandita

Sat June 7, 2025 Ovando, MT 59854 US Directions

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Packet Pick Up

Packet Pick Up High Priority

June 7, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Racer Packet Pick up:
- Check racers in via RunSignUp app
- Give racers their race plates and packet
- Get them pumped !

We will have a Lead packet pick up person available to help show you the ropes and flow before racers start showing up!


Ovando Church, just up from Main st area. (tentative, may change)

Packet Pick up - LEAD High Priority

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.


Packet Pick up Lead:
Help show volunteers the ropes and flow on how to check racers in on the RunSignUp app on Saturday morning of the race. They will start checking in around 7am and will stay through the 45mile start.


Ovando Church *(tentative, may change)

Aid Station

Aid Station (45mile/80mile split AND 80 mile last aid stop) High Priority

June 7, 2025


2 Stations in 1:

1. At approximately 20 miles into both the 80 mile and 45 mile races, and
2. At approximately 64 miles in for the 80 milers coming back towards finish.

Early on, this is where the 80 milers will take a left and 45 milers will take a right to stay on their respective courses. Later, this is the 80 milers LAST AID STOP BEFORE THE FINISH

Aid station volunteers will also ensure racers are going the appropriate direction for their respective races.

Aid station volunteers will need at least ONE PERSON as lead(s) dedicated to picking up or dropping off supplies (depending on your shift) in Ovando. SIGN UP SEPARATELY FOR THIS. The rest can meet at the aid station spot if they'd like, but are welcome at any point before or after their shift(s) to hang and cheer!

This task involves helping the lead set up and break down.

Supplies provided:
- possible EZ up tent
- folding table
- gatorade jug
- all food, hydration/electrolyte (at least 1 large bin)
- trash bag (one for trash, one for all wrappers (for recycling))
- emergency plan/clipboard
- radio
- satellite phone
- aid kit

*end times are approximate. PM crew to Wait for last rider through (SAG vehicle to let you know)


8am : Lead to check-in with Jess Culver at the volunteer check-in area and pack up supplies in the Ovando Church parking lot.

Post-race: Lead to check-out with Jess Culver in same area above and unload supplies

Remainder of volunteers:
You can come grab coffee/snack in AM in Ovando, and/or just meet your leads at the respective aid station site for your shift. Everyone is welcome at any point before or after their shift(s) to hang out, grab food, drink, watch finishers, etc.

* About 30 min drive from Ovando to aid station

Aid Station (45mile/80mile split AND 80 mile last aid stop) - LEAD High Priority

June 7, 2025


This is around mile 20 for both 45/80 milers early on/where they splint. Then it's about mile 64 for the 80 milers - last aid stop before their finish.

If you'd like to be Lead for the entire time, please sign up for both spots.

You will be in charge of pick up and/or drop off of all aid station supplies in Ovando. Early on, you will also be in charge of ensuring there is someone (or yourself) pointing racers in the appropriate direction for their respective races (80 milers to the left and 45 milers to the right).

If you're doing only the PM Lead shift, you can just meet at the aid station, and change out with the AM Lead. PM Lead will stay until the last rider is through (approx. 3 or 4pm)

This is also the LAST AID STOP for the 80 mile racers. So big cheering here!

Supplies provided:
- possible EZ up tent
- folding table
- gatorade jug
- all food, hydration/electrolyte (at least 1 large bin)
- trash bag (one for trash, one for all wrappers (for recycling))
- emergency plan/clipboard
- radio
- satellite phone
- aid kit

Plan on set up and take down with fellow aid station volunteers

*end times are approximate. PM crew to Wait for last rider through (SAG vehicle to let you know)


8am : AM Lead to check-in with Jess Culver at the volunteer check-in area and pack up supplies in the Ovando Church parking lot
*PM lead can go straight to aid station and change out with AM Lead

Post-race: PM Lead to check-out with Jess Culver in same area above and unload supplies

Remainder of volunteers:
You can come grab coffee/snack in AM and/or just meet your leads at the respective aid station site. Everyone is welcome at any point before or after their shift(s) to hang out, grab food, drink, watch finishers, etc.

Takes about 30 mins to drive from Ovando to aid station.

Aid Station - WATER ONLY - LEAD - Seeley Nordic TrailHead area High Priority

June 7, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Water stop for the 80ish milers. This is around mile 29 and 56.
There will be course Marshall in the area as well.

Lead must stay until last rider, approx. 2 or 3pm*

Supplies provided:
- folding table
- gatorade jug
- some hydration/electrolyte needs
- trash bag (one for trash, one for all wrappers (for recycling))
- aid kit
- satellite phone
- radio

Plan on set up and break down of station

*end times are approximate. Wait for last rider through (SAG vehicle to let you know)


8:15AM : Lead check-in with Jess Culver at volunteer check-in and pick up supplies in the Ovando Church parking lot.

Post Race: Lead check out with Jess Culver in same area above; unpack and hand in supplies

You can come grab coffee/snack in AM in Ovando. After your shift come on back to Ovando to hand supplies in, hang out, grab food, drink, watch finishers, etc.

Takes about 30 mins to drive from Ovando to this Aid Station.
- Take hwy 200, to 83 to Seeley, Right to Nordic Trailhead. Aid Station will be on the corner where racers turn right to head towards Rice Ridge

Aid Station - Top of Climb (80 mile course) - LEAD High Priority

June 7, 2025


This is around mile 45 of the 80 mile course.

You will be in charge of:
- pick up and/or drop off of all aid station supplies in Ovando.
- ensuring racers are going in the appropriate direction (down and take right)
- setup and break down with fellow aid station volunteers

You will stay until the last rider is through (approx. 3pm)*

Supplies provided:
- possible EZ up tent
- folding table
- gatorade jug
- all food, hydration/electrolyte (at least 1 large bin)
- trash bag (one for trash, one for all wrappers (for recycling))
- radio
- satellite phone
- aid kit

*end times are approximate. PM crew to Wait for last rider through (SAG vehicle to let you know)


9:30 AM : AM Lead to check-in with Jess Culver at the volunteer check-in area and pack up supplies in the Ovando Church parking lot

Post-race: PM Lead to check-out with Jess Culver in same area above to unload and hand in supplies

Remainder of volunteers:
You can come grab coffee/snack in AM in Ovando, and/or just meet your leads at the respective aid station site for your shift. Everyone is welcome at any point before or after their shift(s) to hang out, grab food, drink, watch finishers, etc.

**Takes about 1 hour to drive from Ovando to Aid Station

Aid Station - Top of Climb (80 mile course) High Priority

June 7, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


This is around 45 miles into the 80 mile race.

Aid station volunteers will also ensure racers are going the appropriate direction and will assist with set up and break down of the station.

Aid station volunteers will need at least ONE PERSON as lead(s) dedicated to picking up or dropping off supplies (depending on your shift) in Ovando. SIGN UP SEPARATELY FOR THIS. The rest can meet at the aid station spot if they'd like, but are welcome at any point before or after their shift(s) to hang and cheer!

Supplies provided:
- possible EZ up tent
- folding table
- gatorade jug
- all food, hydration/electrolyte (at least 1 large bin)
- trash bag (one for trash, one for all wrappers (for recycling))
- emergency plan/clipboard
- radio
- satellite phone
- aid kit

*end times are approximate. PM crew to Wait for last rider through (SAG vehicle to let you know)


9:30 AM : AM Lead to check-in with Jess Culver at the volunteer check-in area and pack up supplies in the Ovando Church parking lot.

Post-race: PM Lead to check-out with Jess Culver in same area above and unload/hand in supplies

Remainder of volunteers:
You can come grab coffee/snack in AM in Ovando, and/or just meet your leads at the respective aid station site for your shift. Everyone is welcome at any point before or after their shift(s) to hang out, grab food, drink, watch finishers, etc.

**Takes about 1 hour to drive from Ovando to Aid Station

Aid Station - Top of Climb (45 mile course) High Priority

June 7, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


This is around mile 25 of the 45 mile course and at the top of their main climb

-Lead will be in charge of pick up and drop off of all aid station supplies in Ovando.
-All will help set up, break down

Everyone (at least the lead) will stay until the last rider is through (approx. 1/130pm) *

Sign pick up:
- Pick up signs on your way down (go back the way you drove up) to the finish.
- Once on the main road, if all 80 milers have not come through yet (ask course marshal at bottom, but likely they will not have), leave signs from the course marshal to the finish; 80 mile SAG will pick those up.

Supplies provided:
- possible EZ up tent
- folding table
- gatorade jug
- all food, hydration/electrolyte (at least 1 large bin)
- trash bag (one for trash, one for all wrappers (for recycling))
- aid kit
- satellite phone
- radio

*end times are approximate. SAG/Sweep crew to Wait for last rider through (last rider to let you know)


9:00AM: Lead to check-in with Jess Culver at the volunteer check-in area and pack up supplies in the Ovando Church parking lot.

Post Race: Check out with Jess in the same area above, dropping off/handing in supplies.

Remainder of volunteers:
You can come grab coffee/snack in AM in Ovando, and/or just meet your leads at the respective aid station site for your shift. Everyone is welcome at any point before or after their shift(s) to hang out, grab food, drink, watch finishers, etc.

Approx. 1 hour drive from Ovando. You'll drive up the Shanley Creek climb counterclockwise of the direction of the course. You'll see an aid station sign at the top. Come back down the same way you went up.

Aid Station - top of climb (45 mile couse) - LEAD High Priority

June 7, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


This is around mile 25 of the 45 mile course and at the top of their main climb

-Lead will be in charge of pick up and drop off of all aid station supplies in Ovando.
-All will help set up, break down

Everyone (at least the lead) will stay until the last rider is through (approx. 1/130pm) *

Sign pick up:
- Pick up signs on your way down (go back the way you drove up) to the finish.
- Once on the main road, if all 80 milers have not come through yet (ask course marshal at bottom, but likely they will not have), leave signs from the course marshal to the finish; 80 mile SAG will pick those up.

Supplies provided:
- possible EZ up tent
- folding table
- gatorade jug
- all food, hydration/electrolyte (at least 1 large bin)
- trash bag (one for trash, one for all wrappers (for recycling))
- aid kit
- satellite phone
- radio

*end times are approximate. SAG/Sweep crew to Wait for last rider through (last rider to let you know)


9:00AM: Lead to check-in with Jess Culver at the volunteer check-in area and pack up supplies on Main St. in Ovando

Post Race: Check out with Jess Culver in the same area above, dropping off supplies.

Remainder of volunteers:
You can come grab coffee/snack in AM in Ovando, and/or just meet your leads at the respective aid station site for your shift. Everyone is welcome at any point before or after their shift(s) to hang out, grab food, drink, watch finishers, etc.

Approx. 1 hour drive from Ovando. You'll see an aid station sign at the top. Come back down the same way you went up, which is the backside of the climb (going counter clockwise from the race direction).

Course Marshal

Course Marshal - HWY 200 High Priority

June 7, 2025


Traffic is NOT STOPPING on Hwy 200, and vehicles are traveling ~80 mph. Danger zone!

AM - Racers will be trickling by as they make their way across to the start, which will be just north of 200, for a gun start.
PM - Racers will be crossing to head to the finish line on Main St. Ovando

All racers MUST come to a complete stop before crossing. They may be bleary eyed, so you are their eyes and ears. Make sure they stop, and make sure absolutely no vehicles are coming before allowing the racer(s) to cross safely.

If racers do not stop and are blatantly rude, please take down their plate number and let the volunteer coordinator (Jess) or race directors (Jenna or Meghann) know.

Supplies Provided:
- neon vest (must wear)
- radio

*end times are approximate. PM crew to Wait for last rider through (SAG vehicle to let you know)


Check in with Jess Culver for supplies in the Ovando Church parking lot.
Post race: check out with Jess Culver in same area above

The intersection is ~1/2 mile from the finish area on Main St. Ovando.

Course Marshal - Rice Ridge Hairpin turn on downhill High Priority

June 7, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Approx mile 47 of the 80 mile course.

You'll direct racers to the right, and warn them to slow down or be careful on the Rice Ridge descent.

Supplies Provided
- Neon vest
- Radio (possibly)

*end times are approximate. Wait for last rider through (SAG vehicle to let you know)


8:20AM - Check in with Jess Culver in the Ovando Church parking lot.

Post Race - Either come back to finish and check out with Jess Culver in same area, grab food, drink and cheer finishing racers, OR, give your stuff to the PM Lead water aid station volunteer and they can bring it back for you.

Course Marshal - Rice Ridge Climb Turn (80 mile race) High Priority

June 7, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Approx miles 30 of the 80 mile course.

You'll direct racers to go left to start the Rice Ridge climb about 1 mile after the water stop.

Supplies Provided
- Neon vest
- Radio (possibly)

*end times are approximate. Wait for last rider through (SAG vehicle to let you know)


8:20AM - Check in with Jess Culver in the Ovando Church parking lot.

Post Race - either come back to finish and check out with Jess Culver in same area, grab food, drink and cheer finishing racers, OR, give your stuff to the PM Lead water aid station volunteer and they can bring it back for you.

Course Marshal - Final Bend High Priority

June 7, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


You'll be placed along the last 1/2 mile of the course, cheering and making sure riders stay to the right of upcoming cones and cars to the left (this could change). The road is still open to vehicles.

LEAD will let the finish line know which numbers are coming and last racer.

Supplies Provided:
- Neon Vest (must wear)
- Radio

*end times are approximate. PM crew to Wait for last rider through


12:30 PM: LEAD and marshals check in with Melinda Balchan or a Race director (Jenna or Meghann) for supplies and where to stand - Main St. Ovando

Post Race: Check out with Melinda Balchan and hand in supplies in same area as above

Course Marshal - 45 mile course High Priority

June 7, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


This is at the bottom of the 45 mile course's major climb, around mile 30 of the course itself.

Supplies Provided:
- Neon Vest
- Satellite phone

You'll direct racers to take a left.

Once the SAG vehicle comes through after the last racer, you may head back to the finish to check out, grab a bite, drink and cheer the rest of the racers on.

*end times are approximate. Wait for last rider through (SAG vehicle to let you know)


9:45AM: Check in with Jess Culver in the Ovando church parking lot and pick up supplies
Post Race: Check out with Jess in same area as above and hand in supplies. Grab a bite, and hang!

~approx. 45 min drive from Ovando (~14 miles, back roads only)


SAG/Sweep vehicle And private land turn - 80 mile course High Priority

June 7, 2025


This is a 2-in1 for the 80 mile course:

**This is long day**

The SAG (Support And Gear) vehicle will:
1. Follow the last riders of the 80 mile throughout the entire course. Tell aid stations and marshals who the last rider is, so they know when they can leave as well.

Once you see the last rider, it's okay to stop and wait for a while before finding them again.

2. **Please pick up all signs after the last rider is through starting on Rice Ridge climb and all the way back to the finish. If 45 mile SAG has been through (ie. if there is NO course marshal at bottom of 45 mile course descent; around mile 68 of the 80 mile course), pick up all signs from there to finish.

Feel free to stop at aid stations and hang out for a bit, you don't need to be right on the last riders tail as that is unnerving and annoying for the rider. You can leap frog a bit as well, just make sure you know who the last rider is at all times.

If anyone wants to stop riding/not finish, they can ride with you, but will need to stay in the car until the last rider is through well.

If there's an emergency you can drive to the location if needed.

Supplies provided:
- Aid kit
- Some food, hydration, electrolyte supplies
- Bike pump (if you have one, please bring with you)
- A couple of bike tubes
- Radio
- Satellite phone
- Emergency plan

*end times are approximate. Wait for last rider through


9:15AM: Check in with Jess Culver and pick up supplies in the Ovando Church Parking lot. Then head out and find the last rider for the 80.

Post Race: Check out with Jess at same area as above.

SAG/Sweep Vehicle - 45 mile course High Priority

June 7, 2025


This is a 2-in-1 for the 45 mile course.

**This is long day**

Starting at the private land gate on Upsata Lake Rd, SAG (Support And Gear) vehicle will, meet Bri who will sweep through private land, then hand of SAG to you. You will :

1. Follow the last riders of the 45 mile through remainder of the entire course (*see below).

- tell aid stations and marshals who the last rider is, so they know when they can leave

*You can go up some of the climb to the ~24 mile course mark (or about 4 miles up the climb). There is an intersection to go left or straight. Stop There. Racers will continue straight for another mile to the top/the aid station. Let the last rider know they're the last rider and for them to tell the aid station at the top. If they pass anyone, tell the aid station how many people they passed. Turn around and go down the way you came.

2. **Please pick up all signs after the last rider is through the 1st aid station, then the "up side" of the course climb. If the 80 milers have all come through already, pick up all remaining signs through to the finish. If the 80 milers are still out there, then the other SAG vehicle will pick up.

Feel free to stop at aid stations and hang out for a bit, you don't need to be right on the last riders tail as that is unnerving and annoying for the rider. You can leap frog a bit as well, just make sure you know who the last rider is at all times.

If anyone wants to stop riding/not finish, they can ride with you, but will need to stay in the car until the last rider is through well.

If there's an emergency you can drive to the location if needed.

Supplies provided:
- Aid kit
- Some food, hydration, electrolyte supplies
- Bike pump (if you have one, please bring with you)
- A couple of bike tubes
- Radio
- Satellite phone
- Emergency plan
- Have your cell phone on you

*end times are approximate. Wait for last rider through


10:15AM: Check in with Jess Culver and pick up supplies in the Ovando church parking lot. Then head out and find the last rider for the 45 mile course.

Post Race: Check out at same area as above. Then grab some food, drink, cheer and hang!

Post Race

Race Food Helpers

June 7, 2025


9:30am- 12pm: You'll be help set up food and drink area!

12:45pm: You will help racers with their food and drink! You'll also check trash bins and change out if as needed if close to overflowing. After everyone has gone through, you'll help clean up the food area and grab any trash that people may have left in the area.

Melinda will also direct you more the day of!

*End time is approximate. It will be when most racers have all come through, so you may be out earlier. Again, direction will be under Melinda.


9:30am SET UP: Check in with Melinda Balchan or a Race Director (Jenna or Meghann) in Ovando, who will then direct you to the food caterer.

12:45pm SERVERS: Check in with Melinda Balchan or a Race Director (Jenna or Meghann) in Ovando, who will then direct you to the food caterer.

Post Race Clean up High Priority

June 7, 2025


Help pick up the Main St area after the last racer and the party is winding down:

- Tables
- Chairs
- Collapse tents
- Pick up cones
- Bring garbage to appropriate area
- Pick up any left over signs (parking, check in, etc)
- Race tape


Main St Ovando area - check in with Melinda Balchan


Parking Attendants High Priority

June 7, 2025


1 person to direct cars into the parking area the morning of the race.
2 people in the parking area to direct cars and organize parking
2-3 people downtown to be the "parking police" and make sure people move their cars to the parking area

1-2 people hanging out around the entrance to parking area making sure all spectators park in the lot. Cheer on racers!

There is NO parking downtown!


Parking area and downtown Ovando- check in with Melinda Balchan

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