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DORBA Judgment Day 2017

Sat July 22 - Sun July 23 Garland, TX 75040 US Directions


Hard - Approx 60ish Miles

6:00AM CDT - 6:00AM CDT

Harsh - Approx 90ish Miles

6:00AM CDT - 6:00AM CDT


Rowlett Creek Preserve
2525 Castle Road
Garland, TX US 75040


An Eternity Of Singletrack

Judgment Day is where you challenge yourself to complete a certain number of trails (as laid out by the Organizers) within 24 hours.

**This event is only open to current paying dues DORBA members. To become a member please join at:

This year we technically have 9 trails as you will start and end at RCP. Here are the order of trails:

Rowlett Creek Preserve
Sister Grove Park
Erwin Park
Isle Du Bois State Park
Johnson Branch State Park
Knob Hill Trail
Northshore Trail
LB Houston Trail
Harry Moss Park Trail
Rowlett Creek Preserve

Three categories:

Hard (60ish miles)
Harsh (90ish miles)
Hellish (SS 90ish miles)

The main thing to focus on is that this is not a race and it's not a certain number of miles - it's completing the trails and loops in the order the organizers set by challenging yourself and having fun!

All finishers receive a coveted Top Cap.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Common Q&A below.

If you have something that is not listed, comment, and I will add it to Q&A.

Do I have to be a current paid DORBA member to participate? Yes, and you will need to show proof of membership when you turn in your waiver day of event to be eligible for the event and completion top cap.  You can renew/get a membership at

How do I check to see if my membership is current?  Go to, select "Login" in upper right hand corner, go to My Account and view your "Membership Ends" date.

Is there a fee to participate?  Nope - it's FREE to our current paid DORBA members.

When & where do I pick up the shirt I purchased during registration?  Shirts will be available for purchase online until June 13th and can be picked up at the registration table day of the event.

Will there be additional shirts for purchase?  We will have a limited supply in various sizes day of that can be purchased for $25 the morning of the event on a first come, first serve basis.  Please bring exact cash, check, or debit/credit card.

Where do we start? Everyone will start at the first trail listed, Rowlett Creek, and you MUST check in and turn in/sign your waiver prior to starting.

What's the difference between Hard, Harsh, & Hellish?  Everyone will ride the same trails but the Harsh riders will ride approximately 30 more miles that will be spread throughout the trails.  The Hellish riders will ride the same loops as Harsh riders but on a Single Speed.   And each category will have a different top cap for finishers.

Can I start early? Not any earlier than you are able to turn in your waiver to April at the check in table that opens at 5:30 AM at RCP.

Can I start later? The registration table will be open from 5:30 AM to 8:00 AM and we ask that everyone be on the trail by that time.  Any later than an 8:00 AM start will disqualify you from the event.  And regardless of start time - you need to be finished and checked in by 6:00 AM Sunday morning.

Can I do the trails in any order? Nope. Must do them in order as specified.

When will I know what sections/loops of trails to ride? Once we get closer the details will be posted up and emailed out to all participants.

Will all trails & loops be marked? If the entire trail is being used there might not be any signs and if only certain loops are done for certain categories they may or may not be marked. This is a grassroots event - not an official race so it may be more relaxed in this aspect.

Do I have to have a driver? Nope. Many people did it last year driving themselves to each trail or rotating with a partner.

Do I need to check in at each trail? You must check in at RCP when you begin but after that this is on an honor system for all who do it but feel free to post up on the Facebook event throughout the day - pictures are highly encouraged.

Can I switch categories after I've started?  No, once you've checked in and started that is the category you are in.  For example - if you registered for Harsh category but half way through decide you are only going to do Hard category you will not be considered a Finisher.

Also, please note that if you switch your category at time of check in you may not get your top cap immediately when you finish as a limited number of top caps are purchased up front ahead of the event based on what everyone register for.

Can I take breaks? You can stop and have a 5 course meal and a nap if you want - just get done by 6:00 AM Sunday morning.

Are all trails open all night?  No.  Northshore entry gate closes at 10PM.  You can get out after 10 but you cannot get in.

Will I need lights? Depends on how fast you are - plan accordingly.

Do I have to pay to enter some trails?  Yes.  If you do not have a State Park Pass you will need to pay $7 at IDB and JB.

Do I need to let someone know if I don't complete it? Yes. Please post on the Facebook event, Facebook message April Desch, or email to April at  if you need to drop out for whatever reason.

How long do I have to get it done? 24 hours from the start time of 6 AM.  We had people finish as late as 6 AM Sunday morning last year. Bring lights if you think you will need them.

Do I need to check in when done? Yes! April will be at the last trail, RCP, until 6 AM Sunday morning to check in with when you are done.  You may even be lucky enough to get your Finishers Top Cap at that time!  You are not considered a Finisher unless you check in with April at the end.

It's impossible to keep track of everyone on this but we really don't want to leave someone out there on a trail at night by themselves so please keep April posted so she has an idea who is still out there to try and greet you at RCP.

What do I get for completing Judgment Day?  Bragging rights, extremely sore legs & bottom, a shiny top cap, and a great day on your bike with some rad people!

When will I get my top cap?  We will be ordering a small quantity of top caps to have on hand for finishers at the end but since it's impossible to be certain how many of you will actually complete it the remainder will be ordered after the event and they can then be picked up at upcoming DORBA events or mailed at the finishers expense of $6.

IMPORTANT FINAL NOTE - If you are not a paid DORBA member (this will be verified prior to event) and/or you do not turn in your waiver and check in with April the morning of the event you will not be consider as a participant of the event and you will not have a finishers status or receive a top cap.

**DORBA reserves the right to adjust times, dates, and trails due to weather and unforeseen circumstances.**


Race Participant Survey

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