How do I register for Pedaling for Payson?
Registration opens on March 20, 2025. You can register online by clicking "Sign Up" or call 603-227-7162. Paper forms are available by request at the Trust Office. Online registration closes the day before at noon but you can register at the park, on the day of the event beginning at 7 AM.
What is the registration fee?
There are two options available at registration. Adult riders may choose a $25 pledge, with a commitment to pay or fundraise the additional required $100 (125 total); or, you may choose to pay the $125 paid-in-full option when signing up. Youth rider registration is a one-time fee of $25, however, youth riders are encouraged to fundraise as well. Those who sign up for a spin ride will pay a one time fee of $75.
Is there a minimum fundraising requirement?
Yes. The fundraising minimum requirement is $125 for the 16, 30, and 50 rides, the Mountain Bike ride, and the Gravel rides. This fundraising goal must be met by September 30, 2025, or the credit card you provide at registration will be charged the balance due. Both the spin rides and the youth rides just have a one-time fee, although we encourage everyone to fundraise.
When does Online Registration shut down?
Online registration will shut down at noon, on Thursday, September 4th at midnight. We encourage anyone who would still like to participate to register on the day of the event at Elm Brook Park beginning at 7:00 am.
What is the schedule of events on ride day?
7:30 am - Spin Ride Shifts begin
8:15 am - 47 Mile Gravel Ride
8:30 am - 50 Mile Road
8:40 am - Mountain Bike
8:50 am - 22 Mile Gravel
8:55 am - 30 Mile Road
9:00 am - 16 Mile Road
12:00 pm - BBQ Begins
2:30 PM - Finish line comes down
3:00 pm - Event End
Can I change which ride I would like to participate in on the day of the event?
Yes, you can change which ride you want to do the morning of. Please work with our staff at the registration table to do so as we use ride numbers to plan for the next year.
What is the P4P Spin Ride?
For the second year, we are offering 30-minute stationary spin classes from 7:30 AM to 1:15 PM. We encourage anyone who is interested to form a team and come out and participate. More information can be found on the spin ride page. This event takes place at Elm Brook Park during the P4P event on 9/6/25.
Where does my money go?
Monies raised will support the Nurse Navigator program at Concord Hospital Payson Center for Cancer Care and the Pedaling for HOPE Fund. These programs provide our most vulnerable patients with the guidance of a nurse navigator, who will help them find the medical, community, and financial support they need at a time of great physical, emotional, and financial stress.
Where do I send my donations?
Concord Hospital Trust
Attn: Liz Fay
250 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301
Who should checks be made out to?
Please make checks out to Concord Hospital Trust. Remember to put your name in the memo section of each check so we know to credit your fundraiser.
Are donations tax deductible and how do I get a receipt?
Yes. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Your check or credit card transaction confirmation serves as a receipt.
What if my company wants to match my donation?
Contact your HR department to learn about your company's matching gift policies and procedures. Check to see if your company participates by visiting http://www.matchinggift.com/. Follow the procedure outlined by your company's matching gift program. Printed materials may be mailed to:
Concord Hospital Trust
250 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301
Does Pedaling for Payson have a rain date?
Pedaling for Payson takes place rain or shine. In the event of extreme weather conditions, routes may be altered or canceled. These decisions are made the morning of the event and will be communicated via email, social media, and on the website.
Are tandem bikes allowed?
Tandem bikes will be permitted as long as both riders can physically pedal the bike, are registered for the event, and have met the fundraising minimum.
Are e-bikes allowed?
Yes! eBikes Class 1 and 2 are welcome at Pedaling for Payson. Riders must acknowledge that electric-assisted bicycles may be permitted, provided that such bikes are classified as bicycles (no motorcycles) under applicable state law. If a rider chooses to ride an electric-assisted bicycle on provided routes, they must understand that support may not be available for an electric-assisted bicycle. All riders must follow the cyclist's rules of the road and we encourage all riders to know the range capabilities of their personal bike.
What do I do if I get a flat tire or break down?
We highly encourage all participants to know basic safety and repair skills, including fixing a flat tire. If you have your own pump and extra tubes for your bike we recommend you bring them. However, if you are unable to make the repair we will have local bike shop experts stationed at rest stops around the course that can pick you up or help with a repair. Visit your local bike shop to learn how to handle basic repair needs.
Is there medical onsite?
Yes! Thank you to Stewarts Ambulance Service for serving our P4P riders each year. Stewarts will be stationed at the park and will be available around the course or on a needed basis. We hope everyone has a safe ride!