Where the Money Goes
For over twenty years, Paige’s Butterfly Run, Inc. has been a critical part of Central New York’s efforts to fight cancer and other blood disorders in children.
The only one of its kind in a 22-county region, the Dr. William J. Waters Center for Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders at Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital serves upwards of 700 children with various malignancies and blood disorders each year, as well as conduct research for tomorrow’s cures. Paige’s Butterfly Run, Inc. is a key part of these services, as the funds we raise support initiatives that provide financial and emotional support to families whose child is undergoing treatment.
Proceeds from Pedaling 4 Paige support local pediatric cancer research and patient programs for kids and families fighting cancer at Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital in Syracuse, NY. After event expenses our organization invests in the following initiatives that support the Central New York community.
- Paige's Comfort Kit Fund
- Paige's Family Assistance Fund
- Paige's Comfort & Fun Fund for Families
- Paige's Outpatient Clinic Fund
- Paige's Events and Activities Fund
- Paige's H.O.P.E. Support Fund
- Paige's Fund for Transportation
- Paige's Survivor Wellness Fund
- Paige's Bereavement Fund
- Paige's Cancer Research Fund
- Paige Yeomans Arnold Memorial Endowed Professorship
- Paige Yeomans Arnold Endowed Patient Family Assistance Fund
For more information, please visit