Sunday, October 5th, 2025
Join us on a 50 mile scenic bike ride from Westmoreland to Sylvan Beach and back, or take a relaxed 20 mile loop.
New this year: Choose from a 5 or 10 mile Family Ride!!!
Register Here!
$55 Per Rider
This event is not a race!!
All riders will receive a chance to win fabulous door prizes and enjoy food & beverages, plus a post-ride gathering with live entertainment.
Register Now!
The Why
A bike ride to raise funds and awareness for breast cancer. We ride to raise money for patient support, research, and to find a cure.
OUR GOAL: $30,000.
Participants can choose between 3 great ride options: a comfortable 20 mile loop on awesome county roads or a 50 mile route to Sylvan Beach and back.
New this year: a 10 mile Family Ride!
Net proceeds from the event will benefit the tremendous efforts of the American Cancer Society
Register Now!