Bismarck, ND US 58501
The Capitol City Crit is a closed course riding around the North Dakota State Capitol Grounds. After the feedback from 2024's race, we will keep the extended lap distance to 1.2 miles to give more opportunity for attacks as well as more chances to recover. Racers will be riding counter-clockwise with the start/finish line being at the east side of the loop by the State Library. There will be a lead in [half] lap that is paced by an official to start each race.
View the new route here:
Men's A: 45 minutes +1 lap
Women's A: 45minutes +1 lap
Men's B: 35 minutes +1 lap
Women's B: 35 minutes +1 lap
Which category should I race? We suggest that racers in the A Category are able to maintain an 18 mph or greater pace for the duration of the event. As this event is self-seeded, please use your best judgement when registering and sign up for the category best suited to your abilities. For those who feel their pace will be less than 18 mph, we suggest registering for the B Category.
Road bikes with drop bars are REQUIRED to enter the race. NO aero bars will be allowed. ALL racers must wear a helmet.
If a racer is lapped during the race, they will be flagged at the start/finish area by the official where they must pull off the course immediately.
In the event of a mishap (crash or mechanical failure) a racer may be granted one free lap in order to regroup at the back of the pack they were with at the time of said mishap. The racer must check in at the designated pit area with the referee to be granted a free lap.
Packet Pickup will be held on Friday, May 2nd at 701 Cycle and Sport from 4-6pm and Saturday at the race venue from Noon-1pm.
Pre-race meeting will be at 12:30pm for ALL racers no matter what group they're signed up for.
Men's and Women's B race will begin at 1pm.
Men's and Women's A race will begin at 2:00pm
Awards will begin roughly at 2:45pm.
Be sure to check out ALL the races in the 701 Series!
Finish all 5 bike events in 2025 to earn your RAD vest!
Fat & Flurious - Saturday, March 1, 2025
Capitol City Crit - Saturday, May 3, 2025
Otter Creek MTB Race - Saturday, June 14, 2025
Lyons-Heart Gravel Classic - Saturday, July 12, 2025
AlKemist Gravel Fest - Saturday, October 4, 2025