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JD Stinger Virtual Fun Walk/Run

Thu June 18 - Sun June 21 Prince Albert, SK S6V1K1 CA


Lil' Stinger 1K Family Walk/Run

8:00AM CST - 6:00PM CST

Mild Stinger 2K Walk/Run

8:00AM CST - 6:00PM CST

Stinger 3K Walk/Run

8:00AM CST - 6:00PM CST

Big Stinger 5K Walk/Run

8:00AM CST - 6:00PM CST

Spinning Stinger 10k

8:00AM CST - 6:00PM CST


Your Home Land
Prince Albert, SK CA S6V1K1


You Pick the Start and Finish Line

Participants can choose between the 1K family run,  2K, 3K, and long course 5K virtual race options. All participants must run the race of their choice between the dates of June 18th to June 21. 

What is a virtual race?
A virtual race is a race that you can run or walk at any location of your choice. On Thursday June 18th ,Friday June 19th, Saturday June 20th, Sunday June 21st pick one of these dates, pick your own start time and finish line! Then, submit your race result to see where you placed with all the other participants. You can submit your distance, walk or ran,  and time by email: or on messenger through the JD Stinger Athletics Facebook Page @jdstingerathletics

Find a route you want to take on.  It can be in a park, blocks around your neighborhood, Little Red trails.  Anyone can sign-up and do it!  Measure your route with a gps app on your phone, smart watch…







Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at


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