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Farmland 5K & Free for All Bike

Sun October 12, 2025 Traverse City, MI 49696 US Directions


5K Run Course


Farmland 5K Run

Head North on the outer loop into Hardwoods first, then follow outer loop. 

Once back around near 2-mile, take left fork outside of Hardwoods and west and up through open field.

Then back onto first part of course in opposite direction and backwards onto first part of course and back through Hardwoods to finish.

To locate 2-track entrance to Rasho Farm, set map to 1045 Rasho Rd. TC 49696


Bike "Free-For-All" Course (6 Laps which is approx. 11 miles)


Farmland Free for All Bike

Follow Outer loop into Hardwoods first, then follow outer loop 6 times but finish the last lap with a hard turn east to finish banner.

The outer loop (@1.8 miles) is repeated 6 times and measures 11ish miles total.

To locate 2-track entrance to Rasho Farm, set google maps to 1045 Rasho Rd. TC 49696

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