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GLOW for Galactosemia 2025

Sat April 26, 2025 Roanoke, VA 24016 US Directions

GLOW for Galactosemia 2025

Donation Goal: $5,000

GLOW is a fundraiser aiming to support a non-profit organization, the Galactosemia Foundation. Galactosemia Foundation’s mission is to advocate for those with Galactosemia. This event helps provide funds to increase research and advocacy of patients. Please consider donating to our goal of $5,000! You may be asking yourself, why should I donate to this cause?

The families who make up the foundation are the only source of income for it! We (Galactosemia Foundation) get 0 help from the government because our disorder is SO rare (about 3000 people estimated in the US live with the disorder).  We are seeking financial support from our local communities to help us find some answers to many hard questions our loved ones living with Galactosemia face. This is a complex disorder, and every penny we can raise toward finding answers +supporting those who are affected by Galactosemia MATTERS.

Top Donors

$2,910 Raised By 55 Donors

$300 from Anonymous
$250 on behalf of Moona Khader
$250 on behalf of OneMagnify Giving Team
$200 on behalf of Guillermo Tonie Vicent
$100 on behalf of Cynthia Taylor
$100 on behalf of Sara Hendry
$100 on behalf of Theo Taylor
$75 on behalf of Amanda Cline
$75 on behalf of Cheryl DeLeon
$75 on behalf of David Kammerich
$75 on behalf of Franco Coniglione
$75 on behalf of Lindsay Pavia
$75 on behalf of ROBERT J KING
$50 on behalf of Brooke Templeton
$50 on behalf of Glow 'n Bowl
$50 on behalf of Karla Byrum
$50 on behalf of KATIE BATTAGLIA
$50 on behalf of Katie Bowles
$50 on behalf of Kimberly Wong
$50 on behalf of Laurie Smith
$50 on behalf of Sara Loesing
$50 on behalf of Sarah Mccain
$30 on behalf of JESSICA WARD
$25 on behalf of Amanda Korn
$25 on behalf of Amber Mason
$25 on behalf of Courtney Weaver
$25 on behalf of Emma Grace
$25 on behalf of Gina Thomas
$25 on behalf of Hattie Wheeler
$25 on behalf of Janet Withers
$25 on behalf of Jen Carr
$25 on behalf of Jessa DeLeon
$25 on behalf of Joan McKown
$25 on behalf of Jolene Edgier
$25 on behalf of Julia Friar
$25 on behalf of Karenĺ Lammers
$25 on behalf of Leslie Bogenhagen
$25 on behalf of Lori Kammerich
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Mandy Gessling
$25 on behalf of Misty Langston
$25 on behalf of Rachel Hunter
$25 on behalf of Seraphine Tinskey
$25 on behalf of Shayla Roop
$25 on behalf of Thomas White
$25 on behalf of Trishina Redig
$25 on behalf of whatsupirony Unknown
$15 on behalf of Leigh-Anne Bennett
$10 on behalf of Amber Tabor
$10 from Anonymous
$10 from Anonymous
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Kirsten Ratigan
$10 on behalf of Selena Martinez
$5 on behalf of Emily Glaubitz

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