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CHAFE 150 Gran Fondo

Sat June 14, 2025 Sandpoint, ID 83864 US


Your Ride Can Do More

Donation Goal: $50,000

Let’s Help Them Learn for Life!

Did you know that 20% of graduating high school seniors nationally are functionally illiterate?

For nearly twenty years, CHAFE has helped local youth by contributing over $1 million to youth education programs. The CHAFE 150 ride continues its legacy of support for education in the greater Sandpoint community. 

For the 2025 ride, we're shifting our focus to an exciting new cause: the Every Student Graduates a Reader initiative to address literacy in our local community. This pivotal program focuses on developing literacy skills among students in the Lake Pend Oreille School District, equipping them for future success in school, their careers, and society. Through comprehensive literacy screenings and personalized instruction, we aim to build a solid foundation for life.

Ride with Purpose: 

The CHAFE 150 isn’t just about the breathtaking miles—it’s about pedaling towards transformative change. By participating, you’re playing a vital role in ensuring that local students are equipped with necessary skills to thrive. Let’s continue the CHAFE tradition of supporting youth education and making an enduring impact.

Your Ride Can Do More:

While every registration makes a difference, we invite you to contribute even further. Options to consider:

  • Create your own fundraiser! You'll be eligible to win prizes and you can share the fundraiser with family and friends to increase your impact.
  • Donate to a fundraiser or to the cause!
  • Become a CHAFE 150 sponsor, either personally or through your business.

For more information, reach out to us at

To make a donation offline you may send a check by mail to the below address. For other donation options, email us at

Sandpoint Rotary Charitable Trust
Attn: CHAFE150
PO Box 1666 
Sandpoint Idaho 83864

Top Donors

$1,360 Raised By 19 Donors

$500 on behalf of Inland Forest Management
$100 on behalf of Cate Straub
$100 on behalf of Dave Macklin
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Mel Dick
$100 from Anonymous
$60 on behalf of Rebecca Kemp
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Frank Diekman
$50 on behalf of Gary Hocking
$30 on behalf of Matthew Bienkowski
$25 on behalf of David Scott
$25 on behalf of Dean Aldrich
$20 on behalf of Judy Butler
$10 on behalf of Frank Cheng
$10 on behalf of Mike Nowack
$10 on behalf of Paul Lindholdt
$10 on behalf of Steve Mulawka
$10 on behalf of Tim Johnson

Select "Become a Fundraiser" below to create your own fundraiser, or search for an existing rider fundraiser!aiser.


Enter a custom donation amount or select a donation level above.

Donation Attribution

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