
•START/FINISH – Lone Star College – Conroe Center Parking Lot
•Run north out of the Parking Lot on to Conroe Park N. Drive.
•Turn Left on to Conroe Park N. Drive and continue to Pollock Drive.
•Turn Right on Pollock Drive and continue to Tom Stinson Drive
•Turn Right on Tom Stinson Drive and continue to the turnaround.
•Turn around at turn around point, head west on Tom Stinson Drive toward Conroe Park West.
•Turn left on Conroe Park West and continue to Pollock Drive.
•Cross Pollock Drive and continue back to school.
•Turn right into the school to finish line (5 mile) or continue straight to turnaround.
•Turn around and continue west on Conroe Park Drive to start second loop (10 Mile).
•Repeat loop and turn right into Lone Star College to finish line.
•START/FINISH – Lone Star College – Conroe Center Parking Lot
•Run north out of the Parking Lot on to Conroe Park N. Drive.
•Turn Left on to Conroe Park N. Drive and continue to Pollock Drive.
•Turn Right on Pollock Drive and continue to the first turnaround.
•Head south on Pollock Drive to Conroe Park West Drive.
•Turn Right on Conroe Park West Drive and continue to second turnaround.
•Head east on Conroe Park West Drive and continue to Pollock Drive.
•Cross Pollack Drive and continue back to school.
•Turn right into the school to finish line.