Schedule of Events
Friday, May 30
Join us from 5-7 pm for early check-in at Crystal Mountain in the lower level of the Conference Center. While you’re here, have dinner and get ready for an exceptional day in the saddle. For convenience and to enjoy all of the resort amenities, book a room at Crystal Mountain. Special pricing discount is available for 1 or 2 nights of lodging. Call Crystal Mountain at (855) 520-2974 to make a reservation. Please reference the BIKEFEST when calling to receive your group rate. Availability is not guaranteed; thus, we encourage reservations be made early.
Saturday, May 31*
7:00am Registration opens; Coffee available
7:00am 62-mile riders begin departure. Note: be sure to leave early enough to enjoy lunch which ends at 2:00.
7:30am 46-mile riders begin departure. Note: be sure to leave early enough to enjoy lunch which ends at 2:00.
8:00am Last departure for 62-mile riders.
8:00am 30-mile riders begin departure.
8:30am Last departure for 46-mile riders.
8:30am Registration closes
9:00am Last departure for 30-mile riders. Note: be sure to leave early enough to enjoy lunch which ends at 2:00.
After-glow Party
11:30am Food & Fun Begin
2:00pm Lunch concludes
The Bike Benzie Tour is a volunteer-run fundraising event organized by the Benzie Sunrise Rotary Club. To see how your attendance and support of this ride will help the Club impact the lives of youth in our community, check out Community Impact at
* Times are tentative and subject to change based on the number of registrations.