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RUN 24.7

Sun March 2, 2025 East Rutherford, NJ 07073 US Directions

Dasi Brown-Levinger
Help me show my Hakoras Hatov!!

Fundraiser Login


Raised of $3,600



As a public thanks to Hashem for my continued good heart health, I am going out of my comfort zone to join a fundraiser for an organization that helped my family and I during that difficult time. 

As many of you know, I had a valve replacement 8 years ago next week at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in NYC, followed by an 8-day hospital stay. 

Anyone who has ever had to be at a hospital for any length of time knows that the Bikur Cholim room and apartments  are an essential part of coping and surviving. The Bikur Cholim room that is stocked by chesed 24/7 was an enormous help for all my family and friends who were at my side 24/7 taking care of me – not only eight years ago but during previous hospitalizations as well 

I have so much Hakoras hatov to everyone  who was there for me during that very, very traumatic  and painful time. It was a long and hard recovery & I am so thankful that my new valve is still going strong bH. Enough so that I am able to join the walk (run4chesed) through the American Dream Mall on March 2 beH , demonstrating my gratitude to ה”הקב for my health and Chesed 24/7  for all the support they gave the people who were supporting me!

This is just a small way for me to give back so many years later.   I am thankful for the opportunity!!!

Every single donation that will be given - even the smallest amount   - will bring me great joy and is very much appreciated. 

Thanks for reading & for participating!



Top Donors

$4,171 Raised By 77 Donors

$500 on behalf of Shlomo Levinger
$200 on behalf of Estelle Kohen
$180 On Behalf Of Lipsius Family
$180 on behalf of Rivky Reiss
$180 on behalf of Ruth & Yitzchak Vidomlanski
$180 on behalf of Tottini Tottini
$150 On Behalf Of Friedman Family
$100 on behalf of Dadn & Mommy Mintz
$100 on behalf of Eliyohu Mintz
$100 on behalf of Laya Leeder
$100 on behalf of Malky Augenbraun
$100 on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Dovid Weldler
$70 on behalf of yocheved and mordy wenick
$54 on behalf of Ahuva Weiss
$54 on behalf of Chaya Levinger
$54 on behalf of Eisenbach Family
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Esther Akerman
$54 on behalf of Jack M Rubin
$54 on behalf of Joyce Fried
$54 on behalf of Moish and Racheli Ullman
$54 on behalf of Moshe Levinger
$54 on behalf of Tanya & Labish Kamenetsky
$54 on behalf of Thanks for joining the team
$54 on behalf of Tziporah Ullman
$54 on behalf of Yehuda and michal Feinstein
$50 on behalf of Malka Stern
$40 on behalf of Shani klatzko
$36 on behalf of Ari and Faigy Leiter
$36 on behalf of Avram and Ita Lawrence
$36 on behalf of Chaim levinger
$36 on behalf of Chana Krikheli
$36 on behalf of Edythe Markowitz
$36 on behalf of Gnesha Goldstein
$36 on behalf of Heshy and Mindy Tomor
$36 on behalf of In honor of the greatest aunt ever!!!!!!! Thanks for always making life extra exciting and ofc ur famous chocolate chip squares!!!! Please keep doing great things for Klal Yisroel!!!
$36 on behalf of Itty Eckstein
$36 on behalf of L’ilui nishmas Eliyahu ben Moshe Yaakov a”h and Mindel bas Moshe a”h
$36 on behalf of Michael Sandorfy
$36 on behalf of Mordechai and Shira Eisenberg
$36 on behalf of Reena Beane
$36 on behalf of Rivka Rosenblatt
$36 on behalf of Robyn Black
$36 on behalf of Sara Rivka Rothstein
$36 on behalf of Shani Glenn
$36 on behalf of Yehudah Toiv
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Yitzy and Malkie Forchheimer
$36 on behalf of Yocheved Carlebach
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Tzviki & Heni Hoffman
$20 on behalf of Dasi Brown-Levinger
$20 on behalf of Menucha Berzansky
$19 on behalf of zalman brown
$18 on behalf of Altie Charlap
$18 on behalf of Asher Levinger
$18 on behalf of Cheryl Klein
$18 on behalf of Devora Goldberg
$18 on behalf of Leah Zagelbaum
$18 on behalf of Moshe Meir Brown
$18 on behalf of On behalf of Dasi Brown-Levinger, L'zecher nishmas Malka bas Menachem Chaim.
$18 on behalf of Safe Ride Mamish Batuach
$18 on behalf of Shaindy Spiegel
$18 on behalf of Sherry Sandler
$18 on behalf of Shira Goldstein
$18 on behalf of Shoshana Eckstein
$18 on behalf of Yaakov Davids
$18 on behalf of Yechiel Mintz
$18 on behalf of Yisroel and Leah Grossberg
$18 on behalf of Yitzchok Weiss
$18 on behalf of zelda shanet
$18 on behalf of Zvi Katz
$10 on behalf of Chanie Mintz
$10 on behalf of Gittel Grant
$10 on behalf of Miriam Feldheim
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Rochel ullman

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