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YMCA 10k Training Team

Richmond, VA 23230 US

YMCA 10k Training Team

VCU Health Massey Comprehensive Care Center

VCU Health Massey Comprehensive Care Center is the official charitable fundraising partner of the Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10k for the 20th year in a row! Take action in the fight against cancer and help raise crucial funds for Massey Cancer Center's locally conducted, lifesaving cancer research.


  1. Customize your fundraising page with photos and personal message and share with your network via email and social media
  2. Invite your friends, family, and coworkers to join you
  3. With $100 raised or donated, you receive the 2025 commemorative Team Massey technical shirt to wear on race day!

With your help, we will be one step closer to a future without cancer!


Sports Backers Youth Programs

Sports Backers invests in the future of active living in our region through our youth programs – Kids On The Move and the Active Living Leadership ALL Stars. From the youngest kids getting an opportunity to be a part of a running or fitness club, reaping the socio-emotional benefits while moving more, to those on their way to adulthood and applying to college, Sports Backers is passionate about supporting Richmond region youth. We do this by providing the resources they need to be successful, whether that be a pair of athletic shoes for a child in need, covering the cost of bus transportation for a Kids On The Move club to attend one of our signature events, or providing leadership training and scholarships to promising student-athletes. Your donation makes it possible for us to support the most important part of our community – our kids. They are the future and we know that by investing in them and instilling healthy habits now, it benefits us all.


Select a charity to donate to a cause.

Sports Backers Youth Programs
$555 Collected
VCU Health Massey Comprehensive Care Center
$1,855 Collected


Enter a custom donation amount or select a donation level above.

Donation Attribution

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