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RUN 24.7

Sun March 2, 2025 East Rutherford, NJ 07073 US Directions
Team Fundraiser

La Rootz Running Club

Fundraiser Login
Current Team Members:


Raised of $18,000



On March 2nd, we will be participating in RUN 24.7, the exhilarating Chesed 24/7 5K Walk-Run-Raise - and we're hoping you’ll be our sponsor. Chesed 24/7 is an incredible organization. They operate Chesed hospitality rooms that are a lifeline to patients and their loved ones. It’ll mean so much to us to have your support as we make our way through 5K of track, in the American Dream Mall.

Before you choose how much to donate, we ask you to think of someone you know who is or was in the hospital. Think of what the Chesed room means to them. With your donation, you’ll be ensuring that thousands of patients have the meals, coffee, snacks, and other essentials they count on, from Shabbos candles to Seder plates! Please join us as a we walk, run or raise. Together, we’ll Keep the Rooms Running.

Top Donors

$38,670 Raised By 607 Donors

$618 on behalf of Brocha Sima Feinberg
$480 on behalf of Dina Leah Garber
$405 from Anonymous
$360 on behalf of Brenda Lazor
$360 on behalf of CJ Danziger
$360 on behalf of Jack Engelberg
$360 on behalf of Sammy and Shoshy Weingarten
$308 from Anonymous
$300 on behalf of Heshy & Shaned Spielman
$300 on behalf of Nissan & Libby Borr
$252 on behalf of Yoni Rudansky
$250 on behalf of Abba, Tzviki, Nossi, Aliza, Chaim & Avigail
$250 on behalf of Aharon & Brochie Kaplan
$250 on behalf of Eli and Sara Herzberg
$238 from Anonymous
$214 from Anonymous
$210 from Anonymous
$208 on behalf of Leah Mordechayov
$204 from Anonymous
$200 on behalf of Aviva and Leiby Tropper
$200 on behalf of Miriam and Shimshon Greenberg
$180 on behalf of Adrian Edery
$180 on behalf of Aliza&Moshe Benayon
$180 from Anonymous
$180 on behalf of Anna Kaminetzky
$180 on behalf of Aunt Naomi & Uncle Yossi
$180 on behalf of Barak & Elana Baver
$180 on behalf of Chani Caro
$180 on behalf of Chavi Moskowitz
$180 on behalf of CJ Danziger
$180 from Anonymous
$180 on behalf of Eliyahu Lopin
$180 on behalf of Elka Blonder
$180 from Anonymous
$180 from Anonymous
$180 on behalf of Faige & Pinchus Menche
$180 on behalf of For the neshoms of יעקב בן אליעזר and ראצי בת יקותיאל יהודה
$180 on behalf of Fraidy and Moshe Nachman
$180 on behalf of Jodi Rosenthal
$180 on behalf of Jon Rubin
$180 on behalf of Kalman Lax
$180 on behalf of Mama and Papa perry
$180 on behalf of Martin Bryskier
$180 on behalf of Rachel Lipszyc
$180 on behalf of Rachel Kaminetzky
$180 on behalf of Rebecca Naumberg
$180 on behalf of Sandra and Itzhak Elgavi
$180 on behalf of Sarah Aron
$180 on behalf of Sarah Aron
$180 on behalf of Shua Nachman
$180 on behalf of Susan Wachsstock
$180 on behalf of Suzanne Wachsstock
$180 on behalf of The most incredible Morah Chani!!! You got this !!!
$180 on behalf of The Princes
$180 on behalf of Yitzi and Chaya Shaps
$180 on behalf of Yitzy and Chani Milstein
$180 on behalf of Yudi & Ellie Riesel
$166 from Anonymous
$150 on behalf of Yitzy and Perela Sternhell
$134 from Anonymous
$121 on behalf of Aliza Ginian
$120 from Anonymous
$120 from Anonymous
$118 on behalf of Blattfam Go Rena!!!
$116 on behalf of Yechiel Rothberg
$110 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Akiva Tropper
$100 on behalf of Arie and Rena Laufer
$100 on behalf of Ariel Kaminetzky
$100 on behalf of Avrohom Eliezer Friedman
$100 on behalf of Babi Wallerstein
$100 on behalf of BT and Faigy Lopin
$100 on behalf of Chaim and Gabriella Lieberman
$100 on behalf of CHAIM GOLDBERG
$100 on behalf of Chana Raizy Lampner
$100 on behalf of Chani Caro
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Chani Steinberg
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Civi and Kevin Perlitsh
$100 on behalf of Debora Becker
$100 on behalf of Debra Shaps
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Devorah Amsel
$100 on behalf of Dov Breatross
$100 on behalf of Dovid and Sarah Henya Becker
$100 on behalf of Dvora Weinraub
$100 on behalf of Eidel Pearl
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Eli and Rivky Lutz
$100 on behalf of Eli Rudansky
$100 from Anonymous
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Esther Cohen
$100 on behalf of Ethan Kra
$100 on behalf of For our amazing aunt! love, Sophie and Ella
$100 on behalf of Fraidy Milstein
$100 on behalf of Gavin Bolsom
$100 on behalf of Gloria & Lou Stern
$100 on behalf of Go Leebs!!! Shmueli, Lea and fam
$100 on behalf of Hanna Davidov
$100 on behalf of Henny Rudansky
$100 on behalf of Heshy & Shaned Spielman
$100 on behalf of Jeanette Freeman
$100 on behalf of Jeanne Rubin
$100 on behalf of Josh & Nili Forgy
$100 on behalf of Leah Blaustein
$100 on behalf of Malka Hadassah Baum
$100 on behalf of Marilyn Appel
$100 on behalf of Mattie Goldstein
$100 on behalf of Mina and Shimon Sebag
$100 on behalf of Mom & Dad
$100 on behalf of Moshe & Esti Barcan
$100 on behalf of Moshe Semmel
$100 on behalf of Nachie & Chumie Danziger
$100 on behalf of Noa Harris
$100 on behalf of Noah Gross
$100 on behalf of Penny Moskowitz
$100 on behalf of Pinny & Shira Dinter
$100 on behalf of Pinny & Shira Dinter
$100 on behalf of Rabbi and Mrs. D. Pacht Pacht
$100 on behalf of Rachel Bressler
$100 on behalf of Rachel and Shmuel Koyenov
$100 on behalf of Rachel Deitsch
$100 on behalf of rachelle feintuch
$100 on behalf of Radi Amsel
$100 on behalf of Raizel Rusanov
$100 on behalf of randi & yoni levin
$100 from Anonymous
$100 from Anonymous
$100 from Anonymous
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Riva Reisz
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Ruth Moskowitz
$100 on behalf of S & R Noble
$100 on behalf of Sam Unknown
$100 on behalf of Shaindy Grossman
$100 on behalf of Shari Weiss
$100 on behalf of Shiffy K
$100 on behalf of Shifra Weiser
$100 on behalf of Shifra & Yossi Levy
$100 on behalf of Shifra Kolsky
$100 on behalf of Shimi and Chana Epstein
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Shmuel Danziger
$100 on behalf of Shmuly and Gitty Kupferstein
$100 on behalf of Shoshana Pacht
$100 on behalf of Shula Levine
$100 on behalf of Sivya Rockoff
$100 on behalf of Sruly and Libbie TRATNER
$100 on behalf of Stephen Richter
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of tzvi greenbaum
$100 on behalf of Yael Itshakov
$100 on behalf of Yocheved Wealcatch
$100 on behalf of Zahava Pianko
$100 on behalf of Zalman Treitel Contact
$90 on behalf of Suri and Elchanon
$85 on behalf of Ella Keller
$85 on behalf of Leulei nishmas Leah tova Bas Avraham
$82 on behalf of Yael & Andy Gladstone
$78 from Anonymous
$75 on behalf of Yehuda Rosenblum
$72 on behalf of D Uri
$72 on behalf of Faiga Raubvogel
$72 on behalf of Hannah Treisman
$72 on behalf of Leah Berg
$72 on behalf of Morah chani
$72 on behalf of Reena Salomon
$72 on behalf of Shayna Friedman
$72 on behalf of Suri Abramson
$60 on behalf of Esther Keller
$60 on behalf of Rachelli Fisch
$60 on behalf of Sharona Kataev
$55 on behalf of Shoshana Oldak
$54 on behalf of Abba and Imma Sirote
$54 on behalf of Adina Derdik
$54 on behalf of Adina Esral
$54 on behalf of Ahuva Rosenberg
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Aliza Sherman
$54 on behalf of Am Israel chai!
$54 on behalf of Ari and Hindy Colman
$54 on behalf of Avi & Rachelli Niman
$54 on behalf of Avigail Rubinov
$54 on behalf of Avital Rubin
$54 on behalf of Avivah Danz
$54 on behalf of Batsheva Birnbaum
$54 on behalf of Batsheva Rothberg
$54 on behalf of Bentzion and Tova Wechsler
$54 on behalf of Blima Hershman
$54 on behalf of Bonnie Melamed
$54 on behalf of BZ Perl
$54 on behalf of Carol Wager
$54 on behalf of Chani Schlussel
$54 on behalf of Chani the ROCKSTAR!!!
$54 on behalf of Cheryl Miodownik
$54 on behalf of Chesky & LN Milstein
$54 on behalf of Debbie Menzelefsky
$54 on behalf of Dorothy Roness
$54 on behalf of Eidel Pearl
$54 on behalf of Elisha Jerozolim
$54 on behalf of Emanuel Kravitz
$54 on behalf of Esti Miska
$54 on behalf of evelyn schloss
$54 on behalf of Faivel & Toba Adelman
$54 On Behalf Of From Duvy and Malky and Family
$54 on behalf of Gitty Siebenberg
$54 on behalf of Gitty Howitt
$54 on behalf of Harry Heinemann
$54 on behalf of Iluy nishmas dov Ben Chaim fried
$54 on behalf of In honor of Chani and all the awesome things you do!!
$54 on behalf of In honor of the incredible Morah Chani!
$54 on behalf of Jasmine Kiaei
$54 on behalf of Jennifer Hughes
$54 on behalf of Jill Rudansky
$54 on behalf of Joseph Rudansky
$54 on behalf of Joy Zimmerman
$54 on behalf of Julia Ganchrow
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Kenneth Jakubovics
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Leeby Amsel
$54 on behalf of Lisa Cohen
$54 on behalf of Loni Menche
$54 on behalf of Marty and Lisa Furst
$54 on behalf of Meira Winter
$54 on behalf of Michal Friedman
$54 on behalf of michelle terebelo
$54 on behalf of Mordechai & Simchi Flamholtz
$54 on behalf of Moshe & Esty Berger
$54 on behalf of Naftali Amsel
$54 on behalf of Naomi Kreisman
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Rachel Kohn
$54 on behalf of Rebekah Gray
$54 on behalf of Rina Steinberg
$54 on behalf of Rivka Lavian
$54 on behalf of Rivka Portnoy
$54 on behalf of Rivke and Mutty Grunberg
$54 on behalf of Sara Blumberg
$54 on behalf of Sara Leah Alcabes
$54 on behalf of Shaina Unknown
$54 on behalf of Shidduchim for those who need
$54 on behalf of Shiffi Rabinovits
$54 on behalf of Shifra Collins
$54 on behalf of Shira and Raphael Yechieli
$54 on behalf of Tamar Ziegler
$54 on behalf of Tamar Ziegler
$54 from Anonymous
$54 from Anonymous
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Yoni & Adina Wiesel
$54 on behalf of Yossi & Chaya Rivky Treitel
$54 on behalf of Zachar Nishmas Eliezer Yehoshua ben Yaakov
$54 on behalf of Zaidy and Bubby Sirote
$51 on behalf of Aaron Koslowitz
$51 on behalf of Me!
$50 on behalf of Adina Levy
$50 on behalf of Adina Levy
$50 on behalf of Aviva Hochster
$50 on behalf of Bubby Koslowitz
$50 on behalf of Chana Taban
$50 on behalf of Chani Schlussel
$50 on behalf of Daniel Tropper
$50 on behalf of Esti Lowenstein
$50 on behalf of Etty and Zalman Burger
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Meir and Chavie Koslowitz
$50 on behalf of Meira shlomowitz
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Peninah Friedman
$50 on behalf of pnina rottman
$50 on behalf of Rachel Walfish
$50 on behalf of Richard Gewanter
$50 on behalf of Richard Gewanter
$50 on behalf of Rivka Lavian
$50 on behalf of Ronald Katz
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Sima Weiss
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Tzvi Moshe Meir Naftali Yosef
$40 from Anonymous
$40 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Abba & Eema Lopin
$36 on behalf of Adina Katz
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Ariel Bryskier
$36 on behalf of Ariel Bryskier
$36 on behalf of Ariel Bryskier
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Ariella Wolf
$36 on behalf of ARLINE GEWANTER
$36 on behalf of ARLINE GEWANTER
$36 on behalf of Aryeh and hindy Clyde
$36 on behalf of Avi and Meira Rubin
$36 on behalf of Avidan and Ariella Elgavi
$36 on behalf of Avivah Danz
$36 on behalf of Avrumi and Tehilla Lorkis
$36 on behalf of Barbara Gutlove
$36 on behalf of Barbara Weinrib
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Batsheva Rothberg
$36 on behalf of Batya and Yaakov Snider
$36 on behalf of Best Morah and Tanta, Sima!!
$36 on behalf of bracha heller
$36 on behalf of bracha heller
$36 on behalf of Bracha Mitgang
$36 on behalf of Burry Moskowitz
$36 on behalf of Chana Fendrich
$36 on behalf of Channa Asher
$36 on behalf of Chavi and Matt Lewis
$36 on behalf of Chavi and Matt Lewis
$36 on behalf of Chaya Herzig
$36 on behalf of Chaya Nathan
$36 on behalf of cheryl fisch
$36 on behalf of Dalia & Leor Zahavi
$36 on behalf of Daniel Ballabon
$36 on behalf of David Bach
$36 on behalf of Deena and Hillel Goldman
$36 on behalf of Devorah Zupnik
$36 on behalf of Dina Dicker you fav cousin!
$36 on behalf of Dina Klitnick
$36 on behalf of Dov Breatross
$36 on behalf of Dovid & Faige Welcher
$36 on behalf of Eli & Chaya Stuhl
$36 on behalf of Eliana Shajnfeld
$36 on behalf of Eliyahu Rothberg
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Elleshevah Rybstein
$36 on behalf of Emmie berkson
$36 on behalf of Esther Toban
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Ezi & Yocheved
$36 on behalf of Gabe Goldfeder
$36 on behalf of Gitty Howitt
$36 on behalf of Gitty Warshavchik
$36 on behalf of Grandma Arlene in heaven
$36 on behalf of Hadar Weisz
$36 on behalf of Hadar Weisz
$36 on behalf of Harry and Esther Kleinerman
$36 on behalf of Hershel & Sima Becker
$36 on behalf of Hershel Pollack
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Hindy Manela
$36 on behalf of In honor of Morah Chani! Keep it up
$36 on behalf of In honor of Morah Chani!!!
$36 on behalf of Ira and Ellen Smith
$36 on behalf of Ira and Ellen Smith
$36 on behalf of Jackie Ganz
$36 on behalf of Jennifer Hughes
$36 on behalf of Jennifer Hughes
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Joseph Schonfeld
$36 on behalf of Judith Reposo
$36 on behalf of Kate Friedman
$36 on behalf of Kaufmans NV
$36 on behalf of Kaufmans NV
$36 on behalf of Kayla Schuman
$36 on behalf of kelsey donnolo
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Lenore Szrolovits
$36 on behalf of Malka Wender
$36 on behalf of Malkie K.
$36 on behalf of Malkie Klausner
$36 on behalf of Malky and nachum Grunhut
$36 on behalf of Marsha Jakubovics
$36 on behalf of Matan and Aya-La Shaltiel
$36 on behalf of Meir and Shoshana Grunhut
$36 on behalf of Meira Schwartzbaum
$36 on behalf of Michael Feder
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Michelle Schwartz
$36 on behalf of Miriam Berkowitz
$36 on behalf of Miriam Welcher
$36 on behalf of Miriam Berkowitz
$36 on behalf of Moshe Koslowitz
$36 on behalf of Nadia Benz
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Noach Moskowitz
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Ora Love
$36 on behalf of Penina Danziger
$36 on behalf of Perel Chaya Alt
$36 on behalf of R"S Michoel ben Shulamis
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Rachel Gutlove
$36 on behalf of rachel levy
$36 on behalf of Rachel Lome
$36 on behalf of Rachel Lonner
$36 on behalf of Raizel Raskas
$36 on behalf of Rebecca Greenberg
$36 on behalf of Richard Finkel
$36 on behalf of Rifka Starkman
$36 on behalf of Rivka Braverman
$36 on behalf of Rivka Kirschenbaum
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Rivkah Engelson
$36 on behalf of Rivky Greenspan
$36 on behalf of Rochel Becker
$36 on behalf of Romeo Woofish
$36 on behalf of Ruvain and Yocheved Becker
$36 on behalf of Sara Berookhim
$36 on behalf of Sara Blumberg
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Sara Rauch
$36 on behalf of Sarochel Rabinowitz
$36 on behalf of Scarsdale Gewanters
$36 on behalf of Scarsdale Gewanters
$36 on behalf of Sharon Weiner Welgrin
$36 on behalf of Shayna and Pesach Porush
$36 on behalf of Shayna Shlinger
$36 on behalf of Sheila Schulman
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Sheya & Shoshana Weinberger
$36 on behalf of Shifra Baum
$36 on behalf of Shlomo Greenberg
$36 on behalf of Sim and shaindy Waxman
$36 on behalf of Sima
$36 on behalf of Sima Kramer
$36 on behalf of Sori Feder
$36 on behalf of Stacy Oppenheimer
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Talia Levy
$36 on behalf of Talia Fried
$36 on behalf of tamar moskowitz
$36 on behalf of Tehila Sirote
$36 on behalf of Terry Miller
$36 on behalf of Tiferet Wachtel
$36 on behalf of Tirzah Clyde’s birthday
$36 on behalf of Tova Gottesman
$36 on behalf of Tzila Grabie
$36 on behalf of Tzila Grabie
$36 on behalf of Tzivi Hoch
$36 on behalf of Yaakov and Aliza Gelb
$36 on behalf of Yaakov and Chana Lieberman
$36 on behalf of Yaakov and Sara Weiner
$36 on behalf of Yael Miller
$36 on behalf of Yosef and leebi Cohen
$36 on behalf of Zahava davidowitz
$35 on behalf of Siblings and Tamar
$26 on behalf of Adam & Adina Witkin
$25 on behalf of Chaim and Gabriella Lieberman
$25 on behalf of Malkie and Shlomo Greenberg
$25 on behalf of Moshe and Rochie Niman
$25 on behalf of Perel Rauch
$25 on behalf of Ruthy Reich
$25 on behalf of Yehudis Feldstein
$25 from Anonymous
$20 on behalf of avigail aronov
$20 on behalf of Chana Gordon
$20 on behalf of Lea Scharf
$20 from Anonymous
$20 on behalf of Rivka Peikes
$20 from Anonymous
$20 on behalf of Sipy Nissanian
$18 on behalf of Adina Tropper
$18 on behalf of Adina Tropper
$18 on behalf of Aviva Baumser
$18 on behalf of Aviva Gerstel
$18 on behalf of Basya Burger
$18 on behalf of Batzione Brody
$18 on behalf of Bezi Gross
$18 on behalf of Bracha Danziger
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of CB G
$18 on behalf of CB Mehlman
$18 on behalf of Chaim & Pearl Richmond
$18 on behalf of Chanie Fonfeder
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of Chaya E
$18 on behalf of Chaya E
$18 on behalf of Chaya Elias
$18 on behalf of Chaya Faigy Kramer
$18 on behalf of Chaya Faigy & Yisroel Meir Kramer
$18 on behalf of chaya Israel
$18 on behalf of Chaya Israel
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of Daniella Kaminetzky
$18 on behalf of Devora Spector
$18 on behalf of devora Rauch
$18 on behalf of Devorah Wilschanski
$18 on behalf of Eliezer Grunberg
$18 on behalf of Elisheva friedman
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of Elka Miriam & Malka Bracha
$18 on behalf of Ella Keller
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of Esty Altman
$18 on behalf of Faige Friedland
$18 on behalf of Favorite Siblings
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of Gabi Zahavi
$18 on behalf of Gittela obermeister
$18 on behalf of Helen Yurowitz
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of Hinda Goldberg
$18 on behalf of Hinda Goldberg
$18 on behalf of Hindy Amsel
$18 on behalf of hindy clyde
$18 on behalf of Ilana Lebowitz
$18 on behalf of ilana lebowitz
$18 on behalf of Illana Goldman
$18 from Anonymous
$18 from Anonymous
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of Leia Rubin
$18 on behalf of Leonard Markowitz
$18 on behalf of Malky Grunhut
$18 on behalf of Mark and Joanie Ganchrow
$18 on behalf of Matil Borchardt
$18 on behalf of Mimi Yaffe
$18 on behalf of Miri Fixler
$18 on behalf of Miriam Rosenwasser
$18 on behalf of Miriam Condiotty
$18 on behalf of Miriam Leitman
$18 on behalf of Miriam Werner
$18 on behalf of Mishket Glassman
$18 on behalf of My amazing niece!
$18 on behalf of Nachi Penn
$18 on behalf of Naomi Krikheli
$18 on behalf of Nechamie Hirschmann
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of Orit Kanowitz
$18 on behalf of Patricia Shur
$18 on behalf of Penny Mermelstein
$18 on behalf of Perri Blobstein
$18 on behalf of Rachael Breslin
$18 on behalf of Rachael Breslin
$18 on behalf of Rachel Apter
$18 on behalf of Rachel Unknown
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of Raizy Koslowitz
$18 on behalf of Rami Rosenzweig
$18 on behalf of Rena Flamholtz
$18 on behalf of Rifkie Flamholtz
$18 on behalf of Rifkie Flamholtz
$18 on behalf of Rifkie Flamholtz
$18 on behalf of Rina Lederman
$18 on behalf of Rochie Moskowitz
$18 on behalf of Ruti Alon
$18 on behalf of Sara Glazer
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of Sarah Esses
$18 on behalf of Sarah Goldstein
$18 on behalf of Sarah Drory
$18 on behalf of Sarah Schwartz
$18 on behalf of Sarah Schwartz
$18 on behalf of Sari Koslowitz
$18 on behalf of Shaina Steinberg
$18 on behalf of Shana K.
$18 on behalf of Shiffy elgavi
$18 on behalf of Shifra Black
$18 on behalf of Shifra Elgavi
$18 from Anonymous
$18 from Anonymous
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of Sima kessler
$18 on behalf of Simcha and Adina Shapiro
$18 on behalf of simi goldberg
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of Tova Chait
$18 on behalf of Tsirel Rennert
$18 on behalf of Tuvia Davis
$18 on behalf of Tziporah Meltzer
$18 on behalf of Tzippora and Chaim Mayer Rothberg
$18 on behalf of Uri and Menucha Greenberg
$18 on behalf of Uri and Menucha Greenberg
$18 on behalf of Victor Kornfein
$18 from Anonymous
$18 on behalf of Yaakov Rabhan
$18 on behalf of Yael Leon
$18 on behalf of Yeshaya Stroh
$18 on behalf of Yitzchok&Mirel Forster
$18 on behalf of Yocheved Boroosan
$18 on behalf of Yocheved Temima R
$18 on behalf of Yonathan Garfinkel
$18 on behalf of Zahava Lorkis
$16 on behalf of Miriam Gewanter
$15 from Anonymous
$15 on behalf of Leba Wachtel
$15 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of :)
$10 on behalf of Ahuva Rambod
$10 on behalf of Alter Cohen
$10 on behalf of Aviva Gewanter
$10 on behalf of Aviva Gewanter
$10 on behalf of Batsheva Keller
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Chaim and Miriam Liff
$10 on behalf of Eliana Shajnfeld
$10 on behalf of Hindy Amsel
$10 on behalf of Meira Dear
$10 on behalf of Meira Dear
$10 on behalf of Shimie Pacht
$10 on behalf of Shoshi Koslowitz
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Yehudis
$9 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Baruch & BMW ur fave cousins Wechsler
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Hadassa F
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$3 on behalf of Dovid Rauch
$1 on behalf of Esther Howley

La Rootz Running Club Team Members


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