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RUN 24.7

Sun March 2, 2025 East Rutherford, NJ 07073 US Directions

Mimi and Chana Miller

Fundraiser Login


Raised of $5,000



On March 2nd, my daughter Chana and I will be participating in RUN 24.7, the exhilarating Chesed 24/7 5K Walk-Run-Raise—and we would love for you to be our our sponsor.

Chesed 24/7 is an incredible organization that provides vital support to patients and their loved ones through its hospitality rooms, which serve as a lifeline in times of need.

Our family personally experienced the kindness of Chesed 24/7 when Avrami a”h was sick. They were always there—whether it was meals, coffee, snacks, Shabbos candles, or simply a comforting presence. More than that, they advocated for us, standing by our side in the hospital and offering unwavering physical and emotional support. We are forever grateful.

That’s why this 5K walk at the American Dream Mall holds so much meaning for us. It’s our way of giving back, and we would be so grateful for your support in helping Chesed 24/7 continue its incredible work.

Please consider donating in memory of our beloved husband and father, R’ Avrami Miller a”h. 

‎לעילוי נשמת אברהם בן יעקב לוי



Top Donors

$6,988 Raised By 85 Donors

$1,000 on behalf of Hudi and Kayla Miller
$360 on behalf of In honor of my dear husband Avrami לעילוי נשמת אברהם בן יעקב לוי
$360 on behalf of Moish & Aliza Umishpachtio
$180 on behalf of Atara Cohen
$180 on behalf of Daniel Goldfeder
$180 on behalf of David Jacobson
$180 on behalf of Emmy and Elliot Moscowitz
$180 On Behalf Of Hannah Heskovitz
$180 on behalf of In honor of Mrs Sima Bachrach who’s Chesed is beyond. We are forever grateful for love and support 💜
$180 on behalf of Leah Hammer
$180 on behalf of Shetrit Family
$180 on behalf of Tutus and Suspenders
$118 from Anonymous
$108 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Barax Family
$100 on behalf of Carol Trepp
$100 on behalf of Chani Schlussel
$100 on behalf of Chaya Shaps
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Goldie Mittel
$100 on behalf of Nechama Kugielsky
$100 on behalf of Sharona Beck
$100 on behalf of Shuli Schwed
$100 on behalf of Simi Brown
$100 on behalf of The Miller's, you continue to be an inspiration to all of us! From the Levenbergs
$100 on behalf of Toby Walfish
$72 from Anonymous
$72 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Aliza and Dovid Feuerstein
$54 on behalf of Ami and Adina Brower
$54 on behalf of Amy Small
$54 on behalf of Carol Chaya Miller
$54 on behalf of Chana Baumann
$54 on behalf of Goldie and Dovid Tiechtel
$54 on behalf of Jill Rubin
$54 on behalf of Lauren Balsam
$54 on behalf of Marissa Wunsch
$54 on behalf of Mimi Posy
$54 from Anonymous
$54 on behalf of Shayna Klitnick
$54 on behalf of Shira Kirshenbaum
$54 on behalf of Yechiel and Yehudis Zitwer
$54 on behalf of Yitty Blau
$50 from Anonymous
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Aliza Statman in memory of Avrami ah and Moshe Statman ah
$36 on behalf of Andrea Gluck
$36 on behalf of Aviva Stern
$36 on behalf of Chezky and Chani Moskowitz
$36 on behalf of Debbie Firestone
$36 on behalf of Elana Einhorn
$36 on behalf of Elana Erez
$36 on behalf of Elana Rosenthal
$36 on behalf of Eli Brazil
$36 on behalf of Evalee Gross
$36 on behalf of Faiga Kimmel
$36 on behalf of Leora Deutscher
$36 on behalf of Mashie Butman
$36 on behalf of Mindy Walfish
$36 on behalf of Moshe & Leah Moscowitz
$36 on behalf of My dear friend Mimi and Chana the best mother daughter team!!
$36 on behalf of Rabbi Uri and Mrs Chana Silver
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Rivka Sternberg
$36 on behalf of Rosie Brustowsky
$36 on behalf of Sarah Tarzik
$36 on behalf of Sarah Tarzik
$36 on behalf of Simcha Miller
$36 on behalf of Simi Bazov
$36 on behalf of Smadar Chafetz
$36 on behalf of Sora Ross
$36 on behalf of Zvi & Sarah Tolchinsky
$18 on behalf of Avrami
$18 on behalf of Elchonon and Jacqueline Feldman
$18 on behalf of Esti and Shmulie Gross
$18 on behalf of In memory of my dear parents עה
$18 on behalf of Joseph Vinagray
$18 on behalf of Menachem Moscowitz
$18 on behalf of Mindy K
$18 on behalf of Sara Liba Tropper
$18 on behalf of Sarah Madris
$18 on behalf of Shira haft
$10 on behalf of Devora Birnhack
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Shoshana Aronowicz

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